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Appli­ca­tion of NeuroomNet building control in your industry

Discover nume­rous appli­ca­tion areas of an intel­li­gent building control, be it office building, museum, science center, hospital, shop­ping center or much more!


NeuroomNet is your soft­ware solu­tion for device management and monitoring, building management, media control, content management and digital signage. With a wide range of func­tions, all needs are covered. Many indus­tries benefit in opera­tion from monitoring, control and auto­ma­tion of the entire faci­lity. The appli­ca­tion of NeuroomNet building control offers nume­rous bene­fits for compa­nies seeking effi­ci­ency, cost savings and an improved user experience.

Media technology exhibits at archaeological museum smac in Chemnitz controlled by NeuroomNet Management software


  • Be able to iden­tify and fix technical failures easily and by yourself
  • Save energy and costs
  • Become more attrac­tive for visitors as a museum
Attractive exhibits with interactive touch screens in museums and science centers, multimedia experience

Science Center

  • Be able to iden­tify and fix technical failures easily and by yourself
  • Save energy and costs with an auto­mated media control system
  • Manage the stress of access controls
Modern media technology in office building, saving energy costs with NeuroomNet software

Office building

  • Be able to iden­tify and fix technical failures easily and by yourself
  • Save energy and costs with an intel­li­gent building control system
  • Effi­cient management of access controls
Monitoring devices in hospital building for hospital staff with NeuroomNet interface in browser


  • Be able to iden­tify and fix technical failures easily and by yourself
  • Save energy and costs with an individual building control system
Shopping Center Loop5 Berlin Weiterstadt with media technology for visitor entertainment

Shop­ping Center

  • Be able to iden­tify and fix technical failures easily and by yourself
  • Save energy and costs with an auto­mated building control system
  • Impro­ving the customer shop­ping experience through centra­lized building tech­no­logy
Dummy doll on a hospital bed during camera-monitored medical training at the Cologne University Hospital

Skills Lab

  • Scala­bi­lity of the number of rooms with video recor­ding
  • Start and stop recor­dings via trig­gers
  • Video commen­tary func­tions in text and voice
A large seminar room with controllable screen, microphonics and lighting.

Confe­rence room

  • Classic media control from NeuroomNet
  • Control of projector, screen, lighting, audio, shading, etc.
  • Graphical editor for tablet surfaces
Custom software for rfid applications in exhibition um:welt in Regensburg

Visitor reco­gni­tion and custo­mized visitor content

Visitor reco­gni­tion and custo­mized visitor content
Visitor reco­gni­tion and custo­mized visitor content

Visitor reco­gni­tion and custo­mized visitor content

  • Visitors can access their own digital content from home
  • via QR code or RFID ticket
  • Exhibits with visitor content

NeuroomNet: Intel­li­gent building control for more effi­ci­ency and comfort in various indus­tries

Whether you operate an office building, museum, science center, hospital, shop­ping mall or any other type of faci­lity, NeuroomNet can meet your needs and stream­line your opera­tions.

In office buil­dings, building auto­ma­tion plays a crucial role in crea­ting a plea­sant and produc­tive working envi­ron­ment. With NeuroomNet, you can easily control and adjust room tempe­ra­ture, lighting and venti­la­tion to increase employee comfort while redu­cing energy costs. Device management allows you to monitor the condi­tion of your office equip­ment and perform main­ten­ance in a timely manner to mini­mize down­time.

Museums and science centers also benefit from NeuroomNet’s intel­li­gent control func­tions. They can precisely control lighting and tempe­ra­ture in exhi­bi­tion spaces to ensure the preser­va­tion of artwork and exhibits. You can also use digital signage and media control to create inter­ac­tive exhi­bi­tion expe­ri­ences that fasci­nate and inform visitors.

In hospi­tals, NeuroomNet can opti­mize patient care and opera­tions. They can precisely control the tempe­ra­ture in patient rooms and opera­ting rooms to ensure the comfort of pati­ents and the well-being of medical staff. Device management helps effi­ci­ently monitor vital medical equip­ment, which improves patient safety.

Shop­ping centers can also benefit from NeuroomNet’s building control system. You can control lighting and air condi­tio­ning in shop­ping areas so that custo­mers feel comfor­table and stay longer in your stores. In addi­tion, you can use content management and digital signage to display targeted adver­ti­sing messages to increase sales.

NeuroomNet’s versa­ti­lity extends beyond all of these indus­tries. Educa­tional insti­tu­tions, hotels, restau­rants and many more can benefit from smart building control. The soft­ware solu­tion provides a compre­hen­sive solu­tion for mana­ging devices, control­ling media and content, and effi­ci­ently mana­ging overall building opera­tions.


Effi­ci­ency meets envi­ron­mental friend­li­ness

In addi­tion to incre­asing effi­ci­ency and redu­cing costs, NeuroomNet also offers the benefit of being envi­ron­men­tally friendly. By precisely mana­ging energy consump­tion and resources, compa­nies can mini­mize their envi­ron­mental foot­print and contri­bute to sustaina­bi­lity.

Overall, the appli­ca­tion of building auto­ma­tion in your industry is a win-win situa­tion. It improves opera­tions, increases effi­ci­ency, reduces opera­ting costs, and at the same time provides greater comfort and satis­fac­tion for employees, custo­mers, and visitors. If you are looking for an intel­li­gent solu­tion for building control, NeuroomNet is the answer to your needs.