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EverÂyÂthing is compoÂnent
ComponÂents are the moleÂcules of the NeuroomNet system
NeuroomNet has numeÂrous interÂfaces. If “someÂthing” is connected via one of these interÂfaces, be it dedicated hardÂware, softÂware, or another endpoint, then we call it a “compoÂnent”. There is probably no univerÂsally valid name that sums everÂyÂthing up, so we have decided on the term “compoÂnent”.
Why is this important or why do I need to know this as an installer of a system?
ComponÂents are the basis of our accounÂting system. If you do not have many componÂents, you will only need a few licenses. We offer licenses in packages. TherÂeÂfore, you do not need to know the exact number of your componÂents in advance, but an approÂxiÂmate idea will help you decide which package you need. Of course, the packages can be extended at any time.
Here are some examples for clariÂfiÂcaÂtion:
A video projector is a compoÂnent.
A projector that is connected to the system via a network is a compoÂnent from the system’s point of view. It does not matter which protocol is used for commuÂniÂcaÂtion, be it a “universal” protocol like PJLink or a proprieÂtary protocol.
A socket can be a compoÂnent.
It depends on whether you also want to address this socket sepaÂraÂtely. If we assume KNX as the interÂface, then the elecÂtriÂcian would also have to assign an address for each socket. However, if there is only one KNX address to switch all sockets (of a room, of a floor) togeÂther, then all these sockets are only one compoÂnent in NeuroomNet.
A PC is a compoÂnent.
The NeuroomNet PC client (softÂware tool) is installed on the PC. From then on, the PC is a compoÂnent. The system can then switch the PC off, switch it on, reboot it or simply detect whether the PC is running. InciÂdenÂtally, the NeuroomNet PC client is operaÂting system indeÂpenÂdent and can inteÂgrate Windows, Linux, and Apple PC systems.
Software on the PC is a compoÂnent.
A POI softÂware, digital signage softÂware, or a game is a compoÂnent. For this, the softÂware only has to use the API, which informs the system whether the softÂware is running. Various other funcÂtions, such as a CMS connecÂtion, can also be made available via the API.
The smalÂlest unit in NeuroomNet is therÂeÂfore always a compoÂnent.
The compoÂnent type is deterÂmined by the interÂface protocol, e.g. KNX, TCP/IP, PJLink, DMX, SNMP, etc.
In addiÂtion, a compoÂnent can also have a compoÂnent type to better specify the compoÂnent. Let’s take the example from above again, the KNX compoÂnent. BasiÂcally, NeuroomNet only knows the interÂface (KNX) and the address. But now, as an admiÂnisÂtrator, I can still assign the compoÂnent type, either the said socket or light or a heating actuator or, or.
The same is true for most compoÂnent types. An SNMP compoÂnent can be of type printer, network switch, etc., and a DMX compoÂnent of type head-moving spotÂlight or fog machine, etc…
You don’t have to make a compoÂnent type assignÂment, but it gives you the possibility to switch lights and sockets sepaÂraÂtely, for example.
ComponÂents have properÂties
Common to all is the properÂties’ name and type. The name can be freely assiÂgned and the type results from the protocol. In the case of the socket, the type would be e.g. KNX. A type can be optioÂnally assiÂgned. If necesÂsary, componÂents have other properÂties that depend on the compoÂnent type, e.g. IP address, bit width, etc.
ComponÂents have actions
DepenÂding on the compoÂnent, diffeÂrent actions are available. In the case of the power outlet, these are usually only Power On and Power Off. In the case of the video projector, there are a few more like power on, power off, shutter on, shutter off, input HDMI1, etc.
Groups of componÂents
Complex multiÂmedia instalÂlaÂtions are more than a random collÂecÂtion of devices and softÂware. In most cases, these are already grouped in some way during the planÂning stage: be it accorÂding to rooms or individual stations such as exhibits or workÂstaÂtions. This makes it clearer which devices are responÂsible for what and how they work togeÂther.
But this grouÂping can be subdiÂvided and named differÂently depenÂding on the project. That’s why you can build and name a tree strucÂture quite flexibly in NeuroomNet.
Let’s take a museum as an example:
A digital exhibit as the smalÂlest unit could consist of a computer, two projecÂtors, and an RFID reader. So we need a group-type “exhibit”.However, other stations cannot be directly called exhibits. So we also need the group types “Digital Signage” for information displays and “WorkÂplace” for employees*. These three group types are all on the same level, which we call “station” in this example.
Let’s think of a small digital signage station in the foyer that welcomes visitors with various images and videos or even interÂacÂtive content. This station consists of a computer, softÂware that plays the content, and a projector to throw the output on the wall and the whole thing should be disconÂnected from the power when it is turned off.
To do this, we simply group our componÂents.
Now all componÂents of the group can be addressed togeÂther. If you switch off the group, it is autoÂmaÂtiÂcally ensured that every compoÂnent of this station is switÂched off.
A switching sequence is used to specify in advance that the socket is switÂched off last after time X or that various devices are switÂched on first and then wait before the other devices are switÂched on.
Groups can also be switÂched on or off autoÂmaÂtiÂcally via a circuit diagram.
If componÂents are grouped, only the group appears in the building plan.
For the status of a group, the highest warning level of its child componÂents or child groups is always passed upwards.
Further nesting of groups
To be able to work with the system as comforÂtably as possible, it can be useful to nest groups in turn into further groups. At the lowest level, componÂents can be grouped, for example, into stations, exhibits, workÂstaÂtions, or similar. The cateÂgoÂries can be defined by the user. These can be further grouped into departÂments, departÂments into floors, and floors into builÂdings.
In this way, builÂdings, floors, or departÂments can be addressed in no time at all.
EverÂyÂthing can be inteÂgrated into NeuroomNet as a compoÂnent, whether device, softÂware, or otherÂwise.
This ensures maximum flexiÂbiÂlity in the digital repliÂcaÂtion of the instalÂlaÂtion.
The componÂents can be grouped and nested as desired. This keeps the system clear and intuiÂtive.
The groups are easier to address and control.