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Media control/script blocks  

Even an auto­mated, centra­lized system must be under­stan­dable and operable for many people during proces­sing. NeuroomNet offers various options for this.

Create auto­ma­tisms in the building control system

Every building is diffe­rent and every media tech­no­logy is used individually.
Ther­e­fore, you can very easily define sequences in the NeuroomNet “Script Blocks” and thus create your personal media control.
Here we are in the brain of NeuroomNet — ever­y­thing can be linked to ever­y­thing!

Like dominoes, NeuroomNet Script Blocks can be used to trigger chain reactions

Do I need to learn a new scrip­ting language for this? No!

When we talk about script blocks in NeuroomNet, we don’t mean classic code. Users can see visually which events lead to which actions. Under­neath is a scrip­ting language, but it is only used to import and export the blocks.


can be, for example, a time, pres­sing a button on the tablet, or excee­ding a thres­hold value. NeuroomNet listens to these events. They are used as trig­gers.


are, for example, switching on a PC, chan­ging a light scene, or starting a video play­list. NeuroomNet controls devices via it. They are the reac­tion to a trigger.

You can combine and chain events and actions as you like!

Endless possi­bi­li­ties for the auto­ma­tion of your media tech­no­logy

In this way, for example, an announce­ment can be started every day at a certain time (event), a lighting scene can be called up at the click of a button, or media sources can be swit­ched.
This opens up count­less possi­bi­li­ties without having to learn a programming language or become fami­liar with the proto­cols of the end devices!

Graphical editor to build logic

To gene­rate complex beha­vior in NeuroomNet, you don’t need to know any programming language. NeuroomNet has a visual code editor.

Graphical editor of NeuroomNet Script Blocks with drag and drop: When Dashboard Button is clicked, reboot only computer No 9
Desi­gned for digital media and building management

Thanks to its nume­rous inter­faces and supported proto­cols, Neuroomnet can commu­ni­cate directly with the end devices. Freely defi­nable names and icons always help to keep the over­view.

Logical script block: When film of video player is started, then simultaneously play music on audio player device and play cue 1 of light show.
Simple opera­tion with drag & drop

The order of what is to be executed and when can be set quite simply by drag­ging and drop­ping.
Like­wise, adding new actions works via drag and drop.
Copying, commen­ting, dele­ting, renaming, etc. works just as quickly and easily.

Address individual compon­ents, groups, or entire buil­dings

No matter whether a single device, a work­sta­tion, an exhibit, a room, a floor, or an entire building is to be addressed, in the NeuroomNet script blocks this can be graphi­cally compiled with one line.

NeuroomNet Script Block: When Dashboard Button is clicked, reboot only computer No 9

Start single compo­nent

NeuroomNet Script Blocks: When Dashboard Button is clicked (event), then shutdown all computers (action)

Turn off all compu­ters in the building

NeuroomNet Script Block: When Dashboard Button is clicked, reboot all computers on 1st floor

Start all compu­ters on the floor

“Event -> Action” as an intui­tive concept

It is that simple. When an event occurs, some­thing is supposed to happen (action).

Events can be all sorts of things:
  • A key is pressed
  • A tempe­ra­ture is exceeded
  • A video is over
  • One device fails
  • A date or time is reached
    Logical block in which on one side events are represented symbolised by a video player that starts a film and on the other side actions symbolised by an audio player that plays music and a light show that is played on a cue.
    In the same way, there are count­less actions:
    • Play the video
    • Dim the light to 50%
    • Restart the computer
    • Turn ever­y­thing off
      Condi­tional execu­tions (IF blocks)

      Of course, you also have to be able to formu­late condi­tions — “Switch only if there is no presen­ta­tion running at the moment”.

      NeuroomNet script blocks offer simple AND powerful options for this as well.

      NeuroomNet Script Blocks: logical if-block

      Simple proces­sing of values in varia­bles

      In the context of building and media control, you work a lot with values (numbers and texts) that you want to store, read out and evaluate. These values are stored in varia­bles in NeuroomNet. The varia­bles can be used globally and ever­y­thing flows toge­ther in the script blocks.
      For example, the nume­rical value of a CO2 sensor can be evaluated to take measures in the venti­la­tion or passed on to a dash­board to be visua­lized there as a display.

      Confi­gure instead of program

      Many tasks are simply confi­gured instead of programmed. You don’t have to type in lines of code, just fill in clearly labeled form fields.

      All func­tions are available via the graphical user inter­face.

      For example, if you want a variable to save its last value in a list every time you change it, you can do that with a few clicks in the variable dialog. With this list of stored values, you can later create statis­tics about the history, whether you want to record and evaluate the tempe­ra­ture history of a room or the number of people in a room over the day.
      For such tasks, you don’t need a single script in Neuroomnet.

      Screenshot of the NeuroomNet software with a timeline of the statistics over a year with different options for displaying the graph.

      For more examples and expl­ana­tions take a look at our documentation.