With NeuroomNet you can make your building control simple and clear.
Individual User InterÂfaces — DashÂboard
Dashboards allow the creaÂtion of graphical user interÂfaces that can be used to perform predeÂfined actions or to display certain live statuses/aspects.
There are various possiÂbiÂliÂties for the visual styling of these dashboards. For this purpose, ready-made templates are available in the dashÂboard desiÂgner, which you can recolor and label. In the visual editor, you can position and group all elements as you wish. For profesÂsioÂnals, styling via CSS is also possible!
Of course, only after you have set authenÂtiÂcaÂtion and authoÂrizaÂtion! You can even granuÂlarly link individual pages and elements with rights so that only authoÂrized rights roles are allowed to operate them.
Control everÂyÂthing with one button click or have a sepaÂrate button for everÂyÂthing?
You would like to use NeuroomNet dashboards in your projects as well?
Here are some examples of what these dashboards might look like:
Dashboards can be loaded and operated via a browser on diffeÂrent end devices.
The colors and behaÂvior of the buttons can be freely changed via CSS. The buttons are grouped into panels to faciÂliÂtate changes in the arranÂgeÂment.
Various sliders allow you to set volume and brightÂness values. The sliders can map both a linear and logarithmic value scale.
For more examples and explÂanaÂtions take a look at our documentation.