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for person & object reco­gni­tion

Inte­grate RFID func­tion­a­lity in your projects!

Our RFID readers feature LED feed­back and a custo­mizable printed surface.
The RFID readers reliably iden­tify individual objects with inte­grated RFID tags (e.g. admis­sion tickets, exhibits, etc.).
We recom­mend the NeuroomNet RFID module for control­ling the devices. This allows management of valid RFID tags as well as proces­sing and routing of IDs to imple­ment tail­ored opera­tions.
Discover the possi­bi­li­ties of RFID!
rfid reader chassis with led ring, programmable led lights and colors


RFID reader with stan­dard prin­ting

from 289,00 €

Custom printed surface possible

Instal­la­tion vari­ants of RFID readers

Our RFID readers can be recessed flat and adapted to the envi­ron­ment using individual prin­ting. In addi­tion, the feed­back of the built-in LED ring can be custo­mized.
RFID readers can be installed in diffe­rent ways:

In coope­ra­tion with furni­ture manu­fac­tu­rers, for example, it is possible to realize a recessed version in which a suitable opening is milled into the cover mate­rial in order to insert the RFID reader.
Another variant is to place the reader on top. On the one hand, this makes instal­la­tion more flexible, and on the other hand, the reader can also be used in places where it needs to be more mobile, e.g. at a checkout desk. There, the reader can be placed alter­na­tely under or on top of the counter, depen­ding on whether employees or custo­mers want to scan an RFID tag.

Object reco­gni­tion using RFID readers in museums, science centers, or exhi­bi­tions

Since an RFID system is very robust and trans­pon­ders are available in all kinds of vari­ants (e.g. as plastic nails), it can also be used in areas where the tangible experience is para­mount.
For example, RFID tags can be placed in movable exhibits. If a visitor now places this object on a reader, corre­spon­ding information can be started in the form of audio or video contri­bu­tions.
exhibition-object with rfid-recognition connected to videoplayer at a museum
Appli­ca­tion example:
RFID card with visitor identification and individual digital content in museum

Custo­mized presen­ta­tion for visitors

One example of the versa­tile appli­ca­tions of RFID tech­no­logy is the RFID system used in the German Steam Loco­mo­tive Museum in Neuen­markt, Fran­conia.
Here, each visitor is equipped with an entrance ticket that has a trans­ponder inte­grated into it.
This allows visitors to be iden­ti­fied at the individual information stations (without personal data and, of course, volun­t­a­rily). The facts about the exhibits can be tail­ored to the respec­tive visitors, i.e. they receive information that corre­sponds to their level of know­ledge.
Ther­e­fore, the German Steam Loco­mo­tive Museum offers the possibility for visitors to indi­cate their level of know­ledge and language before starting the tour. They place their trans­pon­ders on an RFID reader and select “German, English or French” and “Expert, Advanced or Beginner” via a touch screen. This data is stored in the data­base.
If a visitor is now at an exhibit, he or she simply swipes the trans­ponder card over an inte­grated reader and receives information in the corre­spon­ding language and level of know­ledge (beginner, advanced, expert).
The record will be deleted after the issu­ance has been completed and the ticket has been returned. The trans­ponder can then be used again for the next person.
Of course, this does not exhaust the appli­ca­tion possi­bi­li­ties that an RFID imple­men­ta­tion with our system offers. For example, visitors could assign their email address to the trans­ponder and thus receive information about the exhibits they have visited on request.

What is RFID?

The acronym RFID stands for radio-frequency identification, i.e. identification with elec­tro­ma­gnetic waves. This describes tech­no­logy that enables the cont­act­less and auto­matic identification and loca­liza­tion of living beings and/or objects within a trans­mitter-receiver system with the aid of radio waves.
The compon­ents of an RFID system are, on the one hand, the trans­ponder or the radio label, which contains an iden­ti­fying code. This is located on the object or living being. On the other hand, a reader is required that can read the code.
The size of RFID trans­pon­ders can vary depen­ding on requi­re­ments. For example, RFID trans­pon­ders that are barely larger than a grain of rice are implanted in pets.
In addi­tion, a parti­cu­larly favorable option is a process that allows the trans­pon­ders to be printed with stable circuits made of poly­mers. This allows the size and also the price of the trans­pon­ders to be further reduced, as well as making the reading of the devices more inconspicuous.
RFID Tags and cards customizable

Product RFID

rfid reader chassis with led ring, programmable led lights and colors

Inte­grate RFID func­tion­a­lity in your projects!

The reader can iden­tify individual objects (admis­sion tickets, exhibits, etc.) using tags so that individual responses can be made.


The network-enabled RFID readers commu­ni­cate with the soft­ware module using their IP address. Due to the PoE (Power over Ethernet) capa­bi­lity, a CAT5 connec­tion is suffi­cient for each reader as a connec­ting cable, which mini­mizes the instal­la­tion effort.
A reader can be installed directly in a stan­dard instal­la­tion box or “invi­sibly” behind glass or wood.


The RFID Provider from NeuroomNet commu­ni­cates with the readers via a network. The IDs of the tags used can simply be passed on to the media control system or previously linked to entries from the data­base.