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Custom soft­ware and deve­lo­p­ment

Project-specific custom solu­tions

More complex customer and visitor inter­ac­tions cannot always be imple­mented with stan­dard products to guarantee an optimal user experience (UX).

Custom soft­ware deve­lo­p­ment is wort­hwhile for inter­ac­tive games, login stations, kiosk systems, or points of inte­rest with individual designs and appe­aling graphical user inter­faces (GUI), animated tran­si­tions, and dynamic content. This allows the connec­tion of data­bases and data visua­liza­tions.

What do you need?

  • Individual, inter­ac­tive exhibits
  • Inter­ac­tive feed­back stations for customer surveys
  • System for visitor identification incl. Visitor accounts (with anony­mized data if required) with connec­tion to RFID or QR codes
  • Elabo­rate media shows with dynamic elements

We use native appli­ca­tions and web tech­no­lo­gies, depen­ding on the requi­re­ments.

Using current frame­works, we program client and server appli­ca­tions mostly in Java­Script.


Our exper­tise:
  • Java­Script, HTML, and CSS
  • Node.js and frame­works like React, React Native, and Express
  • Type­Script
  • Electron.js
  • Unity 3D, C#
  • Android
  • Arduino IDE
  • and many more
Programming individual software at laptop, hand typing on keyboard
Touch Screen with custom serious gaming software

NeuroomNet Addons

The basic confi­gu­ra­tion of the NeuroomNet Soft­ware Suite already offers many important, useful features in the area of media control and building management.

Are you missing a func­tion? Then please contact us!

Contact: info@neuroom.net

The deve­lo­p­ment of exten­sions, server services, add-ons, and plugins to the NeuroomNet control soft­ware is part of our services.

Glasses of a programmer in front of a computer screen with development environment

Soft­ware compon­ents and client soft­ware

We are conti­nuously deve­lo­ping our soft­ware compon­ents for use in media instal­la­tions, building control, museums, and exhi­bi­tions.


This includes products such as:
  • Video player
  • Audio server
  • Digital Signage Player
  • Kiosk systems for Windows, Android, and Raspberry Pi with URL inte­gra­tion incl. white­list confi­gu­ra­tion options
  • RFID tag management
  • Content management systems, etc.
Custom software for interactive exhibit with projection in exhibition um:welt in Regensburg
Custom software for rfid applications in exhibition um:welt in Regensburg


Are you looking for service providers for your individual soft­ware?
We develop customer-oriented solu­tions.

Send us your project descrip­tion or your request for proposal to: