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Here we answer the most frequently asked ques­tions about NeuroomNet.

Ques­tions about the product and purchase

What is NeuroomNet doing for me?

Devices, hard­ware, and soft­ware compon­ents are managed, moni­tored, and controlled via network.
Auto­ma­tion saves energy, costs, and resources!

Control — switch devices, power, light, heating, etc. on and off.
Monitor — feed­back on whether all devices are running properly
Manage — switch media sources, distri­bute media content, set tempe­ra­ture, etc.

Where can I use NeuroomNet?

In any building with media tech­no­logy equip­ment such as:
Museums, shop­ping centers, office buil­dings, indus­trial faci­li­ties, science centers, confe­rence centers, etc.

What are my advan­tages of using NeuroomNet?
  • Sustainable energy consump­tion.
  • Mini­mize down­time.
  • Improve user experience.
  • Mini­mize the need for ‘specia­list’ know-how.
  • Open, expan­dable system.
How can I get NeuroomNet up and running in my company?

You or we provide the server as hard­ware or virtual machine, accor­ding to your choice.
We install the server soft­ware in your IT. Optio­nally, we take over the confi­gu­ra­tion and inte­gra­tion of the devices or support your staff in doing so.

Does NeuroomNet also run on Raspberry/Linux/Windows?

Yes, NeuroomNet is plat­form inde­pen­dent.

Where is NeuroomNet running?

The instal­la­tion can be done locally or in the cloud.

How do I connect new devices?

This varies from device to device:
We offer peri­pherals that can be found auto­ma­ti­cally in the network by NeuroomNet.
For some devices, you only need to know the IP address and enter it in a NeuroomNet compo­nent.
Other devices require client soft­ware that estab­lishes commu­ni­ca­tion with NeuroomNet.
In our documentation, you can look up which compo­nent providers are respon­sible for which devices and whether they connect auto­ma­ti­cally.

Can NeuroomNet only be purchased as a subscrip­tion model?

No, but the subscrip­tion model is highly recom­mended. To ensure regular updates, we gene­rally offer NeuroomNet as a rental version. A purchase option is also possible by arran­ge­ment. This version includes 24 months of support and updates. Simply contact us.

Technical ques­tions

Can we switch the media tech­no­logy on and off at fixed times? Can we leave the media tech­no­logy running longer today as an excep­tion?

Ja und ja! In der Zeit­steue­rung von NeuroomNet können Sie all das einstellen und defi­nieren. Dort können Sie Grund­re­geln und Ausnah­me­re­geln defi­nieren, wie es Ihnen beliebt.

How can I see where the error is?

First, you should check the status over­view in the monitoring module. If you find a group with an error status, it is worth looking at the hier­archy tab and the logs to find out which device in the group is causing the error and since when. The info tab should contain further instruc­tions and tips from your IT team that will help you to solve the error.

Can I be noti­fied by email if some­thing is wrong?

Yes, an email compo­nent is available in NeuroomNet and can be linked to your email server. Via the script blocks, you can set the events for which a noti­fi­ca­tion is to be sent by email and to whom.

Can we put extra adver­ti­sing on the screens for a special event?

Yes, with our digital signage module, you can import the adver­ti­sing in just a few steps and set the time period in which it is to be displayed. All you have to do is install one of our digital signage players as soft­ware on your playing device.

Can we display the status of the stations at the checkout? How can my staff start up and shut down the stations without technical know­ledge?

We recom­mend our Dash­board module for this. In the Dash­board Desi­gner, you put toge­ther displays and buttons as you need them individually — for the right screen size and with sepa­rate permis­sions.

For more examples and expl­ana­tions, take a look at our documentation.