NeuroomNet network with various components


The management system for media, tech­no­logy & buil­dings

Building auto­ma­tion, building system tech­no­logy, and media control from a single source!

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Safe, simple, smart.

With the NeuroomNet soft­ware, media tech­no­logy and building control can now be realized even more easily.

NeuroomNet lets all your devices commu­ni­cate with each other and conve­ni­ently control them from one device. Thanks to a conve­nient user inter­face and a wide range of func­tions, costs can be saved. Audio­vi­sual media tech­no­logy, digital signage, and building auto­ma­tion can be seam­lessly connected. Smart switching times and effi­cient device control sustain­ably save energy in every opera­tion.

NeuroomNet in use at:

Expe­ri­menta Science Center

A unique world of know­ledge and experience awaits visitors in an area of 25,000 square meters.

Appli­ca­tion areas

Light installation and labeling boards in a museum


Control exhibits, switch exhi­bi­tion lights, and manage content!

Immersive AR space at Technopolis science center is an experimence for young and old visitors

Science Center

Crea­ting immersive expe­ri­ences, inno­va­tive media tech­no­logy, and imple­men­ting energy effi­ci­ency!

Shopping Center Loop5 Berlin Weiterstadt with media technology for visitor entertainment

Shop­ping Center

Digital signage, monitoring via widely distri­buted tech­no­logy, people coun­ting

Smart tablet camera technology for medical use in hospital training

Medical insti­tu­tions

Camera sensors, recor­dings

Practice Model in Skills Lab

Skills Lab

Share docu­ments, confe­rence tech­no­logy

Modern media technology in office building,

Office buil­dings

Confe­rence tech­no­logy, Monitoring of IT tech­no­logy

Are you inte­rested in the bene­fits of NeuroomNet soft­ware?

Arrange an initial meeting or get a quote now:

NeuroomNet in use at:

Loop 5

More than 100 shops, exclu­sive exhi­bi­tions, and extra­or­di­nary events await visitors at the shop­ping experience in Weiter­stadt.


NeuroomNet is your soft­ware solu­tion for device management, monitoring, building management, media control, content management, digital signage, and more!

Discover the many func­tions and modules of NeuroomNet:

Symbol for monitoring

Building Opera­tions

Auto­ma­tion enables effi­cient opera­tion and cost reduc­tions.

Symbol for an alarm clock

Switching on and off

Timed or manual

Symbol for Media Control

Media control

Program intui­tively with script blocks

Symbol of different screens (mobile, tablet etc.)

Digital Signage

The NeuroomNet digital signage module can bring content such as videos or images to any number of displays in a time-controlled manner.

Symbol for CMS

Content Management

With a content management system (CMS) you can inde­pendently update the content such as texts, images, and videos.

Symbol for dashboards


Create and use individual user inter­faces

Icon for Security

Secu­rity and rights

Secure commu­ni­ca­tion via HTTPS

Icon: Camera for Visitor Counting

Visitor flows

People coun­ting for small busi­nesses and retail

Icon: Actions and Events

Access from anywhere

In the browser, whether on a desktop or mobile

NeuroomNet in use at:


The PS.Speicher pres­ents unique, historic bicy­cles, motor­cy­cles, and auto­mo­biles, in scena­rios that can be expe­ri­enced and accom­pa­nied by meaningful multi­media content.

Server racks in a server room
NeuroomNet server chassis 1U, NeuroomNet server PC, 19 inch 1U chassis for rack mounting
NeuroomNet server chassis 1U, NeuroomNet server PC, 19 inch 2U chassis for rack mounting
NeuroomNet Server PC, 19 inch 4U case for rack mounting

Solu­tion for all plat­forms

NeuroomNet inte­grates seam­lessly into your exis­ting IT infra­struc­ture. Whether your IT prefers Windows or Linux systems, our server soft­ware is opti­mized for both plat­forms and ensures smooth and stable perfor­mance by using well-tuned server hard­ware.

We also offer you the freedom to store your data locally or outsource it to the cloud. Our server soft­ware supports both on-premise and cloud-based deploy­ments, so you can choose the optimal solu­tion for your needs.

Make an online appoint­ment for a free, 30-minute demo demons­tra­tion or request a quote!

Products and Peri­pherals

NeuroomNet server PC, 19 inch 4U housing for rack mounting, with Linux operating system

NeuroomNet server hard­ware

NeuroomNet hard­ware with Linux for rack moun­ting

rfid reader chassis with led ring, programmable led lights and colors

RFID reader

Iden­tify people and objects with RFID tags

single cup headphones in black sleek design

Single-cup Head­phone

Robust and hygienic peri­pherals for audio stations