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Digi­tize Skills Lab

Each Skills Lab is individual

What is a skills lab?

A skills lab often offers instruc­tional exer­cises, seminars, and other events that focus on various skills that are important for success in college and future careers. A skills lab often offers instruc­tional exer­cises, seminars, and other events that focus on various skills that are important for success in college and future careers.

Skills offered may include, for example, academic writing, presen­ta­tion skills, time management, cross-cultural commu­ni­ca­tion, project management, and team­work. A skills lab often offers instruc­tional exer­cises, seminars, and other events that focus on various skills that are important for success in college and future careers.
The goal of a skills lab is to help students develop and improve their skills to prepare them for their academic and profes­sional futures.

Schematic drawing with various rooms in which different media technology is listed e.g. cameras


Start and end recor­ding via trigger

There are many ways to start a recor­ding: manu­ally via the opera­ting soft­ware, by preset time, or when reading a specific RFID tag. Many more are conceivable. It is best to tailor the approach to their needs. This is done via the diverse scrip­ting options of the NeuroomNet system.

The system is arbi­tra­rily scalable

The number of rooms and cameras that can be recorded is not limited or depends on the hard­ware used, so it can be expanded as desired.

Logical distri­bu­tion of cameras per room

The cameras physi­cally installed in the rooms are also assi­gned to the rooms in the opera­ting soft­ware.
Additional video signals can also be recorded as a “camera”, such as the display of vital signs.

Free split­ting of image signals

Diffe­rent views can also be selected during recor­ding. For example, full­screen or various split-screen confi­gu­ra­tions.

Auto­matic PTZ func­tion

If you select a previously defined view, the cameras can also assume the defined para­me­ters for zoom and viewing direc­tion.

Insert live comm­ents

The faculty can set markers at any time in the live recor­ding, which can be anno­tated imme­dia­tely or later.

Text or voice comm­ents

Comm­ents can be added to a recor­ding in the form of text, but also in the form of spoken messages.

Comment symbols

Symbols or icons can also be used as comm­ents, for example, thumbs up or thumbs down as well as various number symbols from notes. The symbols can be set individually when setting up their system.

Learn more about Neuro­om­Net’s features