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Media control

With NeuroomNet you can make your media control simple and clear.

Media tech­no­logy plays an important role in many modern buil­dings. It is used for enter­tain­ment, information, and commu­ni­ca­tion and thus contri­butes signi­fi­cantly to user comfort. To main­tain this user comfort and at the same time avoid malfunc­tions and failures, reliable monitoring of the media tech­no­logy is essen­tial.

A monitoring system makes it possible to monitor the media tech­no­logy in real-time and to react quickly to any problems if neces­sary. This not only avoids incon­ve­ni­ence for users but also finan­cial losses due to break­downs or repairs.
In addi­tion, a media control system also offers the possibility of opti­mi­zing media tech­no­logy and analy­zing usage beha­vior. This makes it possible to adapt the media tech­no­logy speci­fi­cally to the needs of the users and thus makes it even more satis­fac­tory.

Responsive GUI for NeuroomNet Monitoring of devices in the whole building. Just use the internet browser of your smart phone / mobile.

Compon­ents of a profes­sional media control system

Below you can learn how the media control in NeuroomNet is composed.

Multi-User software: Employees are gathered around a computer screen to evaluate the status of the building in NeuroomNet monitoring

You would like to use NeuroomNet media control for your building?