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Content Management

With NeuroomNet CMS you can easily and inde­pendently update the content of your inter­ac­tive displays and appli­ca­tions.

Content is Key

Do you operate inter­ac­tive info screens, parti­ci­pa­tory stations, games with touch screens, or similar?

With the NeuroomNet Content Management System (CMS for short) you can manage the content of such stations: Texts, images, videos, and other files.

Without CMS, you have to hire an IT company as soon as the content of the soft­ware appli­ca­tions or web pages needs to be replaced — this is expen­sive and requires a lot of arran­ge­ments.

With CMS, it’s a piece of cake!

Advan­tages at a glance

If your stations are connected to our CMS, you will enjoy the follo­wing bene­fits:

  • Quick update of the content
  • Simple user inter­faces and upload forms, ther­e­fore no programming know­ledge of employees required
  • Multiple users can work in parallel via browser access
  • You can assign individual permis­sions and roles
  • High safety (“you can’t break anything”)
  • You only have to set the content, not the design! The station sets font, sizes, etc. inde­pendently!
  • Expan­dable with preview func­tion if required!

Interactive touch screen in Globetrotter Store with display of articles

Time­liness and inde­pen­dence

Whether in a lobby, exhi­bi­tion, show­room, or visitor area — inter­ac­tive appli­ca­tions such as games, information appli­ca­tions, or video stations can enliven a public area and make it more attrac­tive.
Our system allows you to custo­mize the content in it and keep it up-to-date.
With our user-friendly system, you can edit content from anywhere as it has a conve­nient web inter­face and is available on any device such as a PC, Mac, or Linux.
This way you can ensure that your custo­mers always receive the latest and most up-to-date information.


Screenshot from NeuroomNet software: table with names and properties and the option to filter them

Open­ness and connec­tion of new stations

Our head­less CMS provides an open programming inter­face (API — Appli­ca­tion Programming Inter­face).
If you expand your digital offe­ring and hire a soft­ware company to develop new stations and games, the soft­ware deve­lo­pers can connect the new appli­ca­tions to your exis­ting NeuroomNet CMS — whether it’s a Unity appli­ca­tion, Html 5 app, or anything else.
Flexible input fields and upload forms are gene­rated for this purpose.

This way you can always manage ever­y­thing from one place, even if you work with diffe­rent service providers.


You would like to use the NeuroomNet CMS in your projects as well?

Remote content management in the museum — distri­bu­ting media content

Diffe­rent requi­re­ments are placed on a CMS in an exhi­bi­tion than on a classic website CMS.
You want to distri­bute media (images, videos, etc.) from a central loca­tion to diffe­rent client compu­ters so that the appli­ca­tions running there can use or display this content.
The NeuroomNet CMS is specia­lized in the fact that you have diffe­rent inter­ac­tive appli­ca­tions, whose content you share individually — like in a museum, for example.
In the case of the museum, you have diffe­rent appli­ca­tions, for example, a game, an infor­ma­tional appli­ca­tion, or a video slide­show.
Their appearance and beha­vior should be diffe­rent in each case, i.e. individually programmed, but all appli­ca­tions should fetch the data from one CMS. So the CMS should only provide content and not care about the appearance, but provide content for many diffe­rent appli­ca­tions.
This type of CMS today falls under the term head­less CMS.


Graphic with 2 images: 1. Web CMS: The CMS is supervising 5 browser windows. 2. NeuroomNet CMS: The CMS is supervising 5 different elements. These are POI, Game, Info 1, Videos and Info x

For more examples and expl­ana­tions take a look at our documentation.