Content Management
With NeuroomNet CMS you can easily and indeÂpendently update the content of your interÂacÂtive displays and appliÂcaÂtions.
Content is Key
Do you operate interÂacÂtive info screens, partiÂciÂpaÂtory stations, games with touch screens, or similar?
With the NeuroomNet Content Management System (CMS for short) you can manage the content of such stations: Texts, images, videos, and other files.
Without CMS, you have to hire an IT company as soon as the content of the softÂware appliÂcaÂtions or web pages needs to be replaced — this is expenÂsive and requires a lot of arranÂgeÂments.
With CMS, it’s a piece of cake!
AdvanÂtages at a glance
If your stations are connected to our CMS, you will enjoy the folloÂwing beneÂfits:
- Quick update of the content
- Simple user interÂfaces and upload forms, therÂeÂfore no programming knowÂledge of employees required
- Multiple users can work in parallel via browser access
- You can assign individual permisÂsions and roles
- High safety (“you can’t break anything”)
- You only have to set the content, not the design! The station sets font, sizes, etc. indeÂpendently!
- ExpanÂdable with preview funcÂtion if required!
TimeÂliness and indeÂpenÂdence
OpenÂness and connecÂtion of new stations
Our headÂless CMS provides an open programming interÂface (API — AppliÂcaÂtion Programming InterÂface).
If you expand your digital offeÂring and hire a softÂware company to develop new stations and games, the softÂware deveÂloÂpers can connect the new appliÂcaÂtions to your exisÂting NeuroomNet CMS — whether it’s a Unity appliÂcaÂtion, Html 5 app, or anything else.
Flexible input fields and upload forms are geneÂrated for this purpose.
This way you can always manage everÂyÂthing from one place, even if you work with diffeÂrent service providers.
You would like to use the NeuroomNet CMS in your projects as well?
Remote content management in the museum — distriÂbuÂting media content
For more examples and explÂanaÂtions take a look at our documentation.