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With NeuroomNet you can make your building control simple and clear.

Media tech­no­logy plays an important role in many modern buil­dings. It is used for enter­tain­ment, information, and commu­ni­ca­tion and thus contri­butes signi­fi­cantly to user comfort. To main­tain this user comfort and at the same time avoid malfunc­tions and failures, reliable monitoring of the media tech­no­logy is essen­tial.

A monitoring system makes it possible to monitor the media tech­no­logy in real-time and to react quickly to any problems if neces­sary. This not only avoids incon­ve­ni­ence for users but also finan­cial losses due to break­downs or repairs.
In addi­tion, a monitoring system also offers the possibility of opti­mi­zing media tech­no­logy and analy­zing user beha­vior. This makes it possible to adapt the media tech­no­logy speci­fi­cally to the needs of the users and thus makes it even more satis­fac­tory.

Responsive GUI for NeuroomNet Monitoring of devices in the whole building. Just use the internet browser of your smart phone / mobile.

Overall, the monitoring of media tech­no­logy in buil­dings offers nume­rous advan­tages: It improves user comfort, prevents failures and malfunc­tions, and enables targeted opti­miza­tion of media tech­no­logy. All this helps to make the building a modern and attrac­tive place.
Ther­e­fore, monitoring is a very central module in NeuroomNet.

Below you can learn how the monitoring is desi­gned in NeuroomNet.

Multi-User software: Employees are gathered around a computer screen to evaluate the status of the building in NeuroomNet monitoring

You would like to use NeuroomNet Monitoring for your building?

Monitoring of compon­ents in the network

Thanks to the status summary, you can see at a glance which compon­ents are turned on.
For a better over­view, it is possible to group devices.
The stations are posi­tioned as markers on the floor plans and take on the color of their status level. So you can see not only what condi­tion the devices are in, but also where each device is located.

The technical information, instruc­tions, documentation, etc. for groups can be conve­ni­ently displayed via the Info tab. Not only texts but also files such as images and PDFs can be stored there.

Switching devices and groups from monitoring allows a quick response when an error status occurs. However, only the people to whom you have assi­gned the corre­spon­ding rights can do that.



Quick over­view through individual status display

When errors are reported in the system, individually adjus­table warning levels can be used to deter­mine how critical the condi­tion is clas­si­fied.
For example, the failure of a network switch will have a higher prio­rity than the failure of a printer.
Status shows warning Levels for devices in NeuroomNet Monitoring, software screenshot

Quick orien­ta­tion via building plans

Building map in NeuroomNet to localize and solve failures quickly
Selec­ting a group swit­ches to the corre­spon­ding floor in the map view and high­lights the position. Of course, the search also works in reverse. If you select a group on the map, the list imme­dia­tely scrolls to the corre­spon­ding entry and provides further information and actions for it.

Auto­matic failure treat­ment

What should happen in the event of a device failure?

Should a noti­fi­ca­tion be sent by email?
Should an auto­matic restart be performed?
Should the failure be visua­lized in a dash­board?
Should an announce­ment be made?
Or, or, or…

All no problem for NeuroomNet!

All measures can also be carried out simul­ta­neously or in chro­no­lo­gical order.
Of course, the failure is also logged.

Technical staff with mobile tablet pc and NeuroomNet Monitoring is prepared for failure treatment

Grou­ping for effec­tive work

Grouping device components for effective working in NeuroomNet media control, software screenshot

Compon­ents can be grouped logi­cally. For example, compon­ents can be grouped into work­sta­tions, stations, or exhibits. The desi­gna­tions are freely selec­table.

Groups can then be further grouped into any nesting depth, for example, rooms, floors, and halls. This not only serves the purpose of clarity but also simpli­fies many processes. “Switch off 432 compon­ents” becomes “Switch off hall 01”.

Exten­sive recor­ding of status changes

attractive store experience with media technology operated by neuroomnet software

House of Schwarz­kopf

In monitoring, you often want to track whether there are specific events that led to a failure.
Logging helps to iden­tify a syste­matic behind system changes, e.g. if a compo­nent fails every day at the same time or always after a certain number of opera­ting hours.
Further­more, statis­tical state­ments can be made about technical compon­ents that may be of inte­rest in the case of a new acqui­si­tion. Since logging data can quickly become exten­sive, nume­rous filter options are available for evalua­tion.

For more examples and expl­ana­tions take a look at our documentation.