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Digital Signage

Our module for displaying content on any number of ads e.g. for adver­ti­sing or daily updated information.

Stand out with digital signage

Give your company the visi­bi­lity it needs with the NeuroomNet Digital Signage Module. Our inno­va­tive solu­tion allows you to bring content such as videos and images to any number of displays in a time-controlled manner. Whether you want to present adver­ti­sing or daily updated information, with our module you have full control.

Large Digital Signage Displays in Foyer of experimenta science center Heilbronn. Cashier desk with visitor information.

Image: expe­ri­menta

You would like to use digital signage from NeuroomNet?

A digital poster has many advan­tages over an analog one!


The most important advan­tage is that you can change the content of the digital signage at any time and inde­pendently. This allows you to get information to your custo­mers much faster and react to current deve­lo­p­ments.
In addi­tion, a screen attracts more atten­tion than a paper notice simply because of its lumi­no­sity. In addi­tion, you can gene­rate even more atten­tion through moving images.
Store window with digital signage screens at hairdresser flagship store House of Schwarzkopf Berlin.

Image: House of Schwarz­kopf

A clear list of media and players


Mana­ging content on diverse devices can be a chall­enge, but with NeuroomNet you have simple and clear ways to operate.
In the Media Library, you can upload, sort, filter, and cate­go­rize all content to use on any player. The display and use of various types of media such as images, videos, PDFs, RSS feeds, etc. are possible.
Many file formats are compatible with the NeuroomNet Digital Signage Media library: png, jpg, pdf, mp3, mp4, rss, html
You can then combine the media from your library into play­lists.
If you use very large files, the media library can work with dedicated file shares that are connected to your other IT infra­struc­ture. This makes working with large amounts of data even more conve­nient.
Media files in NeuroomNet Digital Signage showing thumbnails and media data like name, resolution, length, author and upload date

Flexi­bi­lity in layout and design


Any screen reso­lu­tion is possible. With the NeuroomNet module, you can also play long screen walls consis­ting of several screens, or play media as split screen and as picture-in-picture (PiP) display.
Display wall at exhibition Forum Wissen Göttingen operated by NeuroomNet media control with bench for visitors

Univer­sity of Göttingen, Photo: Anna Greger

Sche­du­ling with the calendar func­tion

With the inte­grated calendar func­tion, you have ever­y­thing under control and can ensure that your content is in the right place at the right time.

Daily Sche­dule

With the help of our time­line, you can divide the entire day into blocks and deter­mine exactly what you want to see in which section, down to the minute.

Basic Recor­ding

If you want to play a play­list every day, simply assign it to the basic play­list. Of course, you can always sche­dule higher-prio­rity exceptions.


A play­list assi­gned to one or more days of the week has prio­rity over play­lists in the basic play­list. It will be played only on this day of the week, e.g. every Monday.


A play­list can also be played on a specific date in the calendar. This gives it prio­rity over basic play and weekday play.

Mobile Tablet with calendar of NeuroomNet Scheduling. Time controlled automation of all devices.


Increase your company’s visi­bi­lity and set yourself apart from the compe­ti­tion.
Contact us today to learn more about our solu­tions.

For more examples and expl­ana­tions take a look at our documentation.