Home » Peri­phery » Single-cup earphone

Single handset for exhi­bi­tions

Robust, hygienic, beau­tiful!

The iSHearo is a modern and versa­tile one-hand receiver inclu­ding holder and tube protec­tion.
Both speech and music are repro­duced crystal clear.
This product from the company inSyn­ergie is easily compa­tible with NeuroomNet instal­la­tions.
It impresses with its simple, prac­tical design, but is very versa­tile in its execu­tion. The stan­dard version of the housing is in the form of a colored plastic (PE recy­cled or POM) to prevent the paint from chip­ping.
is hearo Single-cup Headphone, black POM with metal hose
Data sheet iSHearo headphone
Down­load: Data sheet iSHearo head­phone

iSHearo data sheet

Technical data

  • Mate­rial: through-dyed plastic, stan­dard version: black*.
  • Cable with stain­less steel protec­tive conduit (cable length of 2.5 m can be adapted on request)
  • Height: 71 mm; Diameter: 53 — 74 mm
  • inte­grated reed contact with poten­tial-free contact
  • 32Ohm 0.1W loud­speaker
  • incl. 2.5m open connec­tion cable 4x0.75qmm
  • incl. magnetic wall mount
  • optio­nally with voice dial


*Special designs in e.g. other colors after consul­ta­tion and mate­rial avai­la­bi­lity.
Prices vary depen­ding on the individual case.


Without switch:

1 piece: 275 EUR
from 10 pieces: 233 EUR (15% discount)
from 20 pieces: 206 EUR (25% discount)

With switch:

Out of stock! Soon in stock again.

1 piece: 325 EUR
from 10 pieces: 283 EUR (15% discount)
from 20 pieces: 256 EUR (25% discount)

iSHearo Standard black, without switch
iSHearo handset standard black, with switch


Robust and hygienic

The advan­tage of a head­phone is that the content can be listened to individually without distur­bing other visitors. The earpieces are more robust and hygienic than classic head­phones. They do not require direct contact with the ear and can be easily cleaned. The cable with steel sheathing prevents twis­ting and twis­ting, a known problem with e.g. tele­phone and head­phone cables. In addi­tion, the hand­sets are thus secured against theft. Thanks to stain­less steel, the protec­tive hose remains beau­tiful for a long time!

Made in Germany

The body, bracket, speaker plate and steel tubing of the iSHearo hand­sets come from German work­shops and suppliers. All compon­ents are assem­bled, installed and tested in our in-house work­shop.

Berg­bau­mu­seum Oels­nitz
Carl Bosch Museum Heidel­berg

Mining Museum Bochum

Carl Bosch Museum Heidel­berg

Danube Swabian Central Museum Ulm

Mining Museum Bochum

One-cup head­phones at the museum

Audio stations with head­phones in museums offer visitors the oppor­tu­nity to listen to audio mate­rial that provides additional information, expl­ana­tions or stories about the objects or exhi­bi­tions on display. These stations serve to enhance the visitor experience by provi­ding audi­tory access to the content. They may include histo­rical back­ground, cultural signi­fi­cance or inte­res­ting anec­dotes.

The iSHearo handset is used in many museums, such as the German Mining Museum in Bochum, the Mining Museum in Oels­nitz, the Carl Bosch Museum in Heidel­berg, and the Enigma Museum of Commu­ni­ka­tion in Denmark.

iSHearos at the German Mining Museum Bochum

iSHe­aros at the German Mining Museum Bochum


Multi­l­in­gual information

Content can be provided in multiple languages to allow foreign tourists to access content in their native language. For this purpose, the switch of the one-hand receiver can be used or a switch in the play­back device.

Low-barrier acces­si­bi­lity

Listening stations can support the provi­sion of acces­sible information by provi­ding texts in an audi­tory way for visitors with visual impairm­ents or other needs.


New! iSHearo 2nd Life Black

Handset made from recy­cled plastic

Only plas­tics that have been recy­cled from other waste streams are used to make the body. By using this plastic, we are making a contri­bu­tion to envi­ron­mental protec­tion and at the same time offe­ring you a high-quality product with outstan­ding sound quality.

The iSHearo offers all the func­tions you expect from high-quality single-cup head­phones. The recy­cled plastic also offers the follo­wing advan­tages:
- envi­ron­men­tally friendly through recy­cling
- lighter mate­rial made of PE (suitable for children)

- rougher surface and ther­e­fore less suscep­tible to scrat­ches

We are aware that the produc­tion of elec­trical appli­ances has a nega­tive impact on the envi­ron­ment. That is why we have committed ourselves to making our products more sustainable. With the iSHearo head­phones, we are taking an important step in this direc­tion.

Recycling symbol

iSHearo 2nd Life Marble

If you like it special, choose the iSHearo 2nd Life Marble — made from 100% recy­cled PE. The mate­ri­al’s mecha­nical proper­ties are iden­tical to black PE, only the color makes the diffe­rence. Each piece has a unique grain!

    Marbled single-cup headphones made from recycled PE

    Marbled single-cup head­phones made from recy­cled PE

    Your Single-cup Head­phone as a custom-made product

    Special designs can be requested from us. Upon agree­ment and mate­rial avai­la­bi­lity, it is possible to make the carcass in other mate­rials and colors.
    Prices vary depen­ding on the individual case.

    Example of a custom-made product in anodized alumi­nium

    Request for Single-cup Head­phone

    Request a non-binding quote for your single-cup head­phones now!

      iSHearo Black — Stan­dard POM is curr­ently not available.
      In addi­tion, all models are tempo­r­a­rily only available without a switch.