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Handset for exhiÂbiÂtions
Robust, hygienic, beauÂtiful!
Technical data
- MateÂrial: through-dyed plastic, stanÂdard version: black*.
- 2.5 m cable with 1.2 m stainÂless steel protecÂtive conduit (cable length can be adapted on request, open cable ends can be fitted with plugs on request)
- Height: 71 mm; Diameter: 53 — 74 mm
- inteÂgrated reed contact with potenÂtial-free contact
- 32Ohm 0.1W loudÂspeaker
- incl. 2.5m open connecÂtion cable 4x0.75qmm
- incl. magnetic wall mount
- optioÂnally with voice dial
*Custom-made products in e.g. other colors after consulÂtaÂtion and depenÂding on mateÂrial avaiÂlaÂbiÂlity.
Prices vary depenÂding on the individual case.

IS-AS-Hearo_ÂData sheet
iSHearo data sheet

iSHearo_Installation instrucÂtions
iSHearo instalÂlaÂtion instrucÂtions
Without switch:
1 piece: 275 EUR
from 10 pieces: 248 EUR (10% discount)
from 20 pieces: 220 EUR (20% discount)
With switch:
Out of stock! Soon in stock again.
1 piece: 325 EUR
from 10 pieces: 293 EUR (10% discount)
from 20 pieces: 260 EUR (20% discount)

Robust and hygienic
The advanÂtage of a headÂphone is that the content can be listened to individually without disturÂbing other visitors. The earpieces are more robust and hygienic than classic headÂphones. They do not require direct contact with the ear and can be easily cleaned. The cable with steel sheathing prevents twisÂting and twisÂting, a known problem with e.g. teleÂphone and headÂphone cables. In addiÂtion, the handÂsets are thus secured against theft. Thanks to stainÂless steel, the protecÂtive hose remains beauÂtiful for a long time!
Made in Germany
The body, bracket, speaker plate and steel tubing of the iSHearo handÂsets come from German workÂshops and suppliers. All componÂents are assemÂbled, installed and tested in our in-house workÂshop.

One-cup headÂphones at the museum
Audio stations with headÂphones in museums offer visitors the opporÂtuÂnity to listen to audio mateÂrial that provides additional information, explÂanaÂtions or stories about the objects or exhiÂbiÂtions on display. These stations serve to enhance the visitor experience by proviÂding audiÂtory access to the content. They may include histoÂrical backÂground, cultural signiÂfiÂcance or inteÂresÂting anecÂdotes.
The iSHearo handset is used in many museums, such as the German Mining Museum in Bochum, the Mining Museum in OelsÂnitz, the Carl Bosch Museum in HeidelÂberg, and the Enigma Museum of CommuÂniÂkaÂtion in Denmark.

iSHeÂaros at the German Mining Museum Bochum
MultiÂlÂinÂgual information
Content can be provided in multiple languages to allow foreign tourists to access content in their native language. For this purpose, the switch of the one-hand receiver can be used or a switch in the playÂback device.
Low-barrier accesÂsiÂbiÂlity
Listening stations can support the proviÂsion of accesÂsible information by proviÂding texts in an audiÂtory way for visitors with visual impairmÂents or other needs.
New! iSHearo 2nd Life Black
Handset made from recyÂcled plastic
Only plasÂtics that have been recyÂcled from other waste streams are used to make the body. By using this plastic, we are making a contriÂbuÂtion to enviÂronÂmental protecÂtion and at the same time offeÂring you a high-quality product with outstanÂding sound quality.
The iSHearo offers all the funcÂtions you expect from high-quality single-cup headÂphones. The recyÂcled plastic also offers the folloÂwing advanÂtages:
- EnviÂronÂmenÂtally friendly thanks to recyÂcling
- lighter mateÂrial made of PE (suitable for children)
- rougher surface and therÂeÂfore less suscepÂtible to scratÂches
We are aware that the producÂtion of elecÂtrical appliÂances has a negaÂtive impact on the enviÂronÂment. That is why we have committed ourselves to making our products more sustainable. With the iSHearo headÂphones, we are taking an important step in this direcÂtion.

iSHearo 2nd Life Marble
If you like it special, choose the iSHearo 2nd Life Marble — made from 100% recyÂcled PE. The mateÂriÂal’s mechaÂnical properÂties are idenÂtical to black PE, only the color makes the diffeÂrence. Each piece has a unique grain!

Marbled single-cup headÂphones made from recyÂcled PE
Your Single-cup HeadÂphone as a custom-made product
Special designs can be requested from us. The carcase can be manuÂfacÂtured in other mateÂrials and colors by arranÂgeÂment and subject to mateÂrial avaiÂlaÂbiÂlity.
Prices vary depenÂding on the individual case.
Example of a custom-made product in anodized alumiÂnium

Request for Single-cup HeadÂphone
Request a non-binding quote for your single-cup headÂphones now!