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Media tech­no­logy in the Science Center

NeuroomNet in the Science Center

Media tech­no­logy can present many challenges for you:

  1. Technical failures for which external specia­lists have to be called in?
  2. High energy costs due to manual control of lighting, heating, air condi­tio­ning, and other building func­tions?
  3. Problems mana­ging access control during events and high atten­dance days?

NeuroomNet offers solu­tions for various problems of ever­yday life in the Science Center. From the opera­tion of digital exhibits to the complete control of the building tech­no­logy, you can not only save valuable time for your staff with this soft­ware but also reduce energy costs and imple­ment exhi­bi­tion concepts with a unique selling point that can be tail­ored to a wide variety of target groups.

Problem & Solu­tion

Easily iden­tify and fix technical failures yourself

Today, a modern science center features a wide range of media tech­no­logy. Visitor guidance systems, audio and video stations, lighting tech­no­logy, … etc.
Mana­ging these and repai­ring failures quickly and consis­t­ently is a perma­nent task that can cost a lot of time and know-how. You don’t want to leave an unkempt or unat­trac­tive image with visitors. A monitor that displays only black or outdated content does just that. In both cases, it loses its useful­ness. This should not be the case. But unfort­u­na­tely, what happens in many exhi­bi­tions is that no one knows how to elimi­nate defects or how to update the content.

Easily iden­tify and fix technical failures yourself

A cost-effec­tive and easy-to-use option is to centra­lize all this tech­no­logy via NeuroomNet. You don’t need staff with programming skills to operate the NeuroomNet soft­ware, as the monitoring inter­faces provide a simpli­fied over­view of all your tech­no­logy. This gives staff the ability to quickly see at a glance where errors are occur­ring and how to fix them. It also allows you to update or custo­mize content in the easiest way possible.
NeuroomNet offers the right balance between auto­ma­tion and manual setting options to cover all the func­tions you need for your daily routine in the Science Center.

Problem & Solu­tion

Save energy and costs

The opera­tion of individual stations (e.g. through manual switching on and off of many stations by staff) causes labour costs and ther­e­fore equip­ment runs conti­nuously. This results in high energy costs and you are conside­ring redu­cing media tech­no­logy, which, however, can consider­ably reduce the attrac­ti­ve­ness of the museum to visitors.

LED technology, dmx interface by NeuroomNet

Save energy and costs

With a management system like NeuroomNet, you can auto­mate turning all devices on and off to reduce run times and power consump­tion!
Even devices from diffe­rent manu­fac­tu­rers are all managed centrally and can be set via speci­fied times in the calendar func­tion. For example, exceptions can also be set up on public holi­days.
The service life of your devices is extended because switching sequences can be auto­mated and the fuse is not simply swit­ched off hard. These sequences miti­gate dama­ging wear and tear on your equip­ment and mini­mize hard­ware and soft­ware defects, such as with projec­tors whose illu­mi­nants require cooling time.

For more info and sample calcu­la­tions on our energy-saving options, read here:

Problem & Solu­tion

Manage the stress of access controls

You’re plan­ning an event and expect a parti­cu­larly high volume of visitors, but have concerns about how to manage access secu­rely and effi­ci­ently. There is a tight sche­dule and you would like to avoid delays due to e.g. annoying traffic jams during control so that your event can take place successfully and without disrup­tions.


Manage the stress of access controls

With NeuroomNet, you can easily manage the stress of access controls during parti­cu­larly busy days or large events. A centra­lized system allows you to control and monitor access to your event for a smooth process.
Using the information on digital signage displays, you can direct visitors so that crowds are evenly distri­buted among access points and reduce the possibility of crow­ding in individual areas. You can also provide information about expected wait times.
This works because NeuroomNet’s visitor coun­ting system can use heat maps to iden­tify where crowds are parti­cu­larly heavy and announce this information auto­ma­ti­cally or manu­ally by event management via the displays. This mode of opera­tion can be compared to a parking guidance system, which can indi­cate how many spaces are available in a given block and direct custo­mers to the empty spaces.
This allows you to focus on what matters: Impro­ving the experience of your visitors.


Our team has been working with museums and science centers for over 20 years.
NeuroomNet is the latest result of all this experience concer­ning the demands placed on exhi­bi­tions, museums, and science centers. With NeuroomNet, they rely on tech­no­logy that has been deve­loped speci­fi­cally for these needs and meets modern stan­dards.
Not convinced yet? Feel free to ask our custo­mers.

These science centers already use NeuroomNet:

  • Expe­ri­menta (science center in Heil­bronn)
  • Tech­no­polis Mechelen (tech­no­logy educa­tion center in Mechelen)
  • PS.Speicher (oldtimer-museum in Einbeck)
  • Rubina Regens­burg (energy educa­tion center in Regens­burg)

Further services

Neuro­om­Net’s services also include:
  • People coun­ting (control of visitor flows and impro­ve­ment of secu­rity)
  • Digital signage (display of content on any number of displays)
  • Content can be individually adapted to external circum­s­tances such as calendar events, light and weather condi­tions, and other requi­re­ments
  • RFID tech­no­logy to display custo­mized content for diffe­rent stake­hol­ders
  • Secure encryp­tion of your system
  • Management of access rights and monitoring of access autho­riza­tions
  • Expan­da­bility of the system, which also offers inter­faces for newer tech­no­lo­gies
and many more!
Spectacular multimedia experience at Forum Wissen Göttingen: Light & Audio show

Univer­sity Göttingen, Photo: Martin Liebe­truth

Learn more about Neuro­om­Net’s features