Home » Peri­phery » Single-cup earphone

Handset for exhi­bi­tions

Robust, hygienic, beau­tiful!

The iSHearo is a modern and versa­tile one-hand receiver inclu­ding holder and tube protec­tion.
Both speech and music are repro­duced crystal clear.
This product from the company inSyn­ergie is easily compa­tible with NeuroomNet instal­la­tions.
It impresses with its simple, prac­tical design, but is very versa­tile in its execu­tion. The stan­dard version of the housing is in the form of a colored plastic (PE recy­cled or POM) to prevent the paint from chip­ping.
is hearo Single-cup Headphone, black POM with metal hose

Technical data

  • Mate­rial: through-dyed plastic, stan­dard version: black*.
  • 2.5 m cable with 1.2 m stain­less steel protec­tive conduit (cable length can be adapted on request, open cable ends can be fitted with plugs on request)
  • Height: 71 mm; Diameter: 53 — 74 mm
  • inte­grated reed contact with poten­tial-free contact
  • 32Ohm 0.1W loud­speaker
  • incl. 2.5m open connec­tion cable 4x0.75qmm
  • incl. magnetic wall mount
  • optio­nally with voice dial


*Custom-made products in e.g. other colors after consul­ta­tion and depen­ding on mate­rial avai­la­bi­lity.
Prices vary depen­ding on the individual case.

Data sheet iSHearo headphone
IS-AS-Hearo_­Data sheet

iSHearo data sheet

Mounting instructions iSHearo handset
iSHearo_Installation instruc­tions

iSHearo instal­la­tion instruc­tions


Without switch:

1 piece: 275 EUR
from 10 pieces: 248 EUR (10% discount)
from 20 pieces: 220 EUR (20% discount)

With switch:

Out of stock! Soon in stock again.

1 piece: 325 EUR
from 10 pieces: 293 EUR (10% discount)
from 20 pieces: 260 EUR (20% discount)

iSHearo Standard black, without switch
iSHearo handset standard black, with switch


Robust and hygienic

The advan­tage of a single-cup earphone (also known as a mono handset) is that the content can be listened to individually without distur­bing other visitors. The earpieces are more robust and hygienic than classic head­phones. They do not require direct contact with the ear and can be easily cleaned. The cable with steel sheathing prevents twis­ting and twis­ting, a known problem with e.g. tele­phone and head­phone cables. In addi­tion, the hand­sets are thus secured against theft. Thanks to stain­less steel, the protec­tive hose remains beau­tiful for a long time!

Made in Germany

The body, bracket, speaker plate and steel tubing of the iSHearo hand­sets come from German work­shops and suppliers. All compon­ents are assem­bled, installed and tested in our in-house work­shop.


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Berg­bau­mu­seum Oels­nitz
Carl Bosch Museum Heidel­berg

Mining Museum Bochum

Carl Bosch Museum Heidel­berg

Danube Swabian Central Museum Ulm

Mining Museum Bochum

One-cup head­phones at the museum

Audio stations with head­phones in museums offer visitors the oppor­tu­nity to listen to audio mate­rial that provides additional information, expl­ana­tions or stories about the objects or exhi­bi­tions on display. These stations serve to enhance the visitor experience by provi­ding audi­tory access to the content. They may include histo­rical back­ground, cultural signi­fi­cance or inte­res­ting anec­dotes.

The iSHearo handset is used in many museums, such as the German Mining Museum in Bochum, the Mining Museum in Oels­nitz, the Carl Bosch Museum in Heidel­berg, and the Enigma Museum of Commu­ni­ka­tion in Denmark.

iSHearos at the German Mining Museum Bochum

iSHe­aros at the German Mining Museum Bochum


Multi­l­in­gual information

Content can be provided in multiple languages to allow foreign tourists to access content in their native language. For this purpose, the switch of the one-hand receiver can be used or a switch in the play­back device.

Low-barrier acces­si­bi­lity

Listening stations can support the provi­sion of acces­sible information by provi­ding texts in an audi­tory way for visitors with visual impairm­ents or other needs.


New! iSHearo 2nd Life Black

Handset made from recy­cled plastic

Only plas­tics that have been recy­cled from other waste streams are used to make the body. By using this plastic, we are making a contri­bu­tion to envi­ron­mental protec­tion and at the same time offe­ring you a high-quality product with outstan­ding sound quality.

The iSHearo offers all the func­tions you expect from high-quality single-cup head­phones. The recy­cled plastic also offers the follo­wing advan­tages:
- Envi­ron­men­tally friendly thanks to recy­cling
- lighter mate­rial made of PE (suitable for children)

- rougher surface and ther­e­fore less suscep­tible to scrat­ches

We are aware that the produc­tion of elec­trical appli­ances has a nega­tive impact on the envi­ron­ment. That is why we have committed ourselves to making our products more sustainable. With the iSHearo mono head­phones, we are taking an important step in this direc­tion.

Recycling symbol

iSHearo 2nd Life Marble

If you like it special, choose the iSHearo 2nd Life Marble — made from 100% recy­cled PE. The material’s mecha­nical proper­ties are iden­tical to black PE, only the color makes the diffe­rence. Each piece has a unique grain!

    Marbled single-cup headphones made from recycled PE

    Marbled single-cup head­phones made from recy­cled PE

    Your Single-cup Head­phone as a custom-made product

    Special designs can be requested from us. The carcase can be manu­fac­tured in other mate­rials and colors by arran­ge­ment and subject to mate­rial avai­la­bi­lity.
    Prices vary depen­ding on the individual case.

    Example of a custom-made product in anodized alumi­nium

    Request for Single-cup Head­phone

    Request a non-binding quote for your single-cup head­phones now!

      iSHearo Black — Stan­dard POM is curr­ently not available.
      In addi­tion, all models are tempo­r­a­rily only available without a switch.

      FAQ — Frequently asked ques­tions

      How does the instal­la­tion work? What tech­no­logy do we need to operate the hand­sets?
      An instal­la­tion manual is supplied (iSHearo instal­la­tion instruc­tions). If required, you can request an instal­la­tion service from the system inte­grator www.inSynergie.de.
      As the handset is a simple loud­speaker, you will also need an audio player, such as a solid state player, a PC or a tablet/mobile device.
      An ampli­fier is also recom­mended if you want to achieve higher volumes.
      We can offer access­ories for the handset on request. Please ask us!
      Can you also supply a player for the handset?

      From March 2025, we will be laun­ching our own audio player on the market. This will allow easy uploa­ding of audio­files and programming via a web inter­face.

      How is the handset connected? Which plug connec­tions are possible?

      The iSHearo is supplied with open cable ends as stan­dard. This means that the audio signal and reed contact can be connected accor­ding to your own requi­re­ments. Further information can be found in the iSHearo instal­la­tion instruc­tions.
      On request, a plug assembly with 3.5 mm jack, 3‑pin, balanced mono signal or other plugs is also possible at a small surcharge.
      Please note that the handset only has one loud­speaker and ther­e­fore only outputs a mono signal!
      If you are working with a stereo audio file, both chan­nels should play the same content.
      Is it possible to select diffe­rent audio tracks on a handset using external buttons?

      Yes, this can be programmed in the audio player. For example, pres­sing a button on the handset or an external button can toggle between a German and English track or switch to a diffe­rent chapter.

      What are the technical speci­fi­ca­tions of the built-in loud­speaker?
      • General information
        • Type: Plastic loud­speaker
        • Mate­rial: Plastic
        • Model: LSF-40M/N/G
      • Elec­trical values
        • Impe­dance: 32 Ohm
        • Power: 0.15 W
        • Music load capa­city: 0.25 W
        • Sound pres­sure level: 86 dB
        • Frequency range: fo — 20,000 Hz
        • Reso­nant frequency: 100 Hz
      • Other
        • Tempe­ra­ture range: ‑25 — +50 °C
      Are the hand­sets suitable for repeated instal­la­tion in chan­ging exhi­bi­tion archi­tec­tures?
      The hand­sets can be easily removed and reused.
      Yes. Nothing is perma­nently fixed during assembly, for example by gluing or sold­e­ring. The screw connec­tions can be loosened again.
      Is there a dealer discount?

      Yes, if you are a system inte­grator or dealer, you will receive a dealer discount on our hand­sets. Please let us know when you make an inquiry, as this is not always imme­dia­tely appa­rent to us.

      What payment options are available for the iSHearo handset?

      Orders are paid in advance by bank transfer and are only dispatched after receipt of payment. Please allow time for this proce­dure in your sche­dule.

      We also offer an option to pay via PayPal with a fee of 2.5%.


      What guarantee do you offer for the hand­sets?
      The iSHearo has a 24-month send-in guarantee. The warranty does not apply to devices with physical damage.
      In general, the iSHearo is very robust, as we know that it is not always treated with care in museums.
      How are the hand­sets cleaned?
      Switch off the audio station. Discon­nect the device from the power supply before maintenance/cleaning (pull out the mains plug).
      Elec­trical appli­ances may only be cleaned and main­tained extern­ally. Wipe them with a damp cloth at most and do not allow any liquid to pene­trate the inside of the appli­ance.
      After clea­ning, wait a certain amount of time before recon­nec­ting the appli­ance to the power supply so that it can dry suffi­ci­ently.
      Clean any dirt with a slightly damp, clean cloth.
      Only use warm water and then wipe the appli­ance dry.
      It is best to use compressed air to clean any gaps covered with dust. Make sure to blow the dust outwards or to the side if possible (not inside the appli­ance).
      Opening an appli­ance housing leads to an exclu­sion of liabi­lity and may inva­li­date warranty claims.
      The inside of the housing may only be cleaned by certi­fied service tech­ni­cians.
      In which cities are there refe­rence projects where the iSHearo handset has been used?
      Frank­furt: Money Museum
      Heidel­berg: Carl Bosch Museum
      Denmark, Copen­hagen: Enigma