Digital Signage
Our module for displaying content on any number of ads e.g. for adverÂtiÂsing or daily updated information.
Stand out with digital signage
Give your company the visiÂbiÂlity it needs with the NeuroomNet Digital Signage Module. Our innoÂvaÂtive soluÂtion allows you to bring content such as videos and images to any number of displays in a time-controlled manner. Whether you want to present adverÂtiÂsing or daily updated information, with our module you have full control.
Image: expeÂriÂmenta
You would like to use digital signage from NeuroomNet?
A digital poster has many advanÂtages over an analog one!
Image: House of SchwarzÂkopf
A clear list of media and players
FlexiÂbiÂlity in layout and design
UniverÂsity of Göttingen, Photo: Anna Greger
ScheÂduÂling with the calendar funcÂtion
With the inteÂgrated calendar funcÂtion, you have everÂyÂthing under control and can ensure that your content is in the right place at the right time.
Daily ScheÂdule
With the help of our timeÂline, you can divide the entire day into blocks and deterÂmine exactly what you want to see in which section, down to the minute.
Basic RecorÂding
If you want to play a playÂlist every day, simply assign it to the basic playÂlist. Of course, you can always scheÂdule higher-prioÂrity exceptions.
A playÂlist assiÂgned to one or more days of the week has prioÂrity over playÂlists in the basic playÂlist. It will be played only on this day of the week, e.g. every Monday.
A playÂlist can also be played on a specific date in the calendar. This gives it prioÂrity over basic play and weekday play.
Increase your company’s visiÂbiÂlity and set yourself apart from the compeÂtiÂtion.
Contact us today to learn more about our soluÂtions.
For more examples and explÂanaÂtions take a look at our documentation.