NeuroomNet Refe­rences

For more than 20 years, our team has been working on media tech­no­logy and building services projects in museums, shop­ping malls, hospi­tals and other public buil­dings.

NeuroomNet’s services include:

  • People coun­ting (control of visitor flows and impro­ve­ment of secu­rity)
  • Secure encryp­tion of your system
  • Individual access rights using rights management
  • Digital signage (display of content on any number of displays)
  • Content can adapt individually to external circum­s­tances such as calendar events, light and weather condi­tions and other requi­re­ments
  • Expan­da­bility of the system, which also offers inter­faces for newer tech­no­lo­gies

and many more!

Not convinced yet? Feel free to ask our custo­mers.

Refe­rence Science Center

Tech­no­polis Mechelen

Tech­no­polis, the Flemish tech­no­logy educa­tion center in Mechelen, opened its new immersive digital space Part­ner­zone with the exhi­bi­tion “Zeekracht” (Sea Power).

Tech­no­polis Mechelen

  • Immersive digital space in the exhi­bi­tion

  • Media tech­no­logy includes, among other things, over 20 projec­tors, audio and camera tech­no­logy as well as exhibit cons­truc­tion
  • Projec­tions on inter­ac­tive walls & floor to create the impres­sion of being on the ocean floor

Fotos: Digi­Daan

Tech­no­polis, the Flemish tech­no­logy educa­tion center in Mechelen, opened its new immersive digital space Part­ner­zone with the exhi­bi­tion “Zeekracht” (Sea Power).

The media tech­no­logy, consis­ting among others of more than 20 projec­tors, audio and camera tech­no­logy as well as the exhibit cons­truc­tion, is controlled via the compre­hen­sive media control system of NeuroomNet.

Imme­dia­tely after ente­ring the immersive space, projec­tions on the inter­ac­tive walls and floor create the impres­sion of being on the ocean floor. Fish swim around, the ground moves with the tides.

The inter­ac­tive walls give visitors the oppor­tu­nity to build wind turbines, protect whales from under­water noise and create their own waves to gene­rate energy. On a large inter­ac­tive projec­tion table, they learn what the port of the future may look like, how the port’s enormous energy needs will be met by rene­wable energy, and how ships will be fueled with electricity or hydrogen.

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Refe­rence Museum


The PS.Speicher pres­ents unique, historic bicy­cles, motor­cy­cles, and auto­mo­biles, in scena­rios that can be expe­ri­enced and accom­pa­nied by meaningful multi­media content.


  • Media tech­no­logy is auto­ma­ti­cally started up and shut down by NeuroomNet control soft­ware
  • Exhi­bi­tion with inter­ac­tive elements and media stations

The PS.Speicher pres­ents unique, historic bicy­cles, motor­cy­cles, and auto­mo­biles, in scena­rios that can be expe­ri­enced and accom­pa­nied by meaningful multi­media content. The media tech­no­logy is auto­ma­ti­cally started up and shut down by the NeuroomNet control soft­ware.

Visitors can discover eight themed worlds and 130 years of vehicle history on 6500 square meters. The exhi­bi­tion is struc­tured chro­no­lo­gi­cally by decade and invites active disco­very through inter­ac­tive elements and media stations. With tech­no­logy to explore and expe­ri­ment with, the place is an experience and exhi­bi­tion park for the whole family.

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Refe­rence Shop­ping Center

Loop 5

More than 100 shops, exclu­sive exhi­bi­tions, and extra­or­di­nary events await visitors at the shop­ping experience in Weiter­stadt.

Loop 5

  • Three inter­ac­tive instal­la­tions in the boule­vard
  • Compre­hen­sive media control and data management
  • Included content management to inject adver­ti­sing

More than 100 shops, exclu­sive exhi­bi­tions, and extra­or­di­nary events await visitors at the shop­ping experience in Weiter­stadt. Part of the inno­va­tive offer are the three inter­ac­tive instal­la­tions in the boule­vard on the theme of augmented reality, seasons and music. With life-size screens and camera tech­no­logy, the stations invite visitors young and old to play and have fun. Ein persön­li­ches Erin­ne­rungs­foto kann per QR Code abge­rufen und auf dem eigenen Mobil­gerät gespei­chert werden.

The compre­hen­sive media control and data management for the opera­tion of the media tech­no­logy instal­la­tions was realized with NeuroomNet, so that the opera­ting company has full control over whether all media tech­no­logy compon­ents are running error-free. The included content management system can be used to insert adver­ti­sing, which can be displayed directly in the soft­ware of the stations if required.

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Refe­rence Science Center

expe­ri­menta Science Center

Unique world of know­ledge and experience with a variety of inter­ac­tive exhibits, a digital back­pack for visitors and complex digital signage system.

Science Center expe­ri­menta

  • Exten­sive media control with over 2000 compon­ents
  • Complex sche­dules with many special plans and exceptions for action days
  • Dynamic digital signage for visitor guidance

Inter­ak­tiver Monitor mit Auswahl­op­tionen (Sprache, Step by Step Guide etc.) und RFID Tag

Inter­ak­tiver Monitor mit Auswahl­op­tionen (Sprache etc.) und RFID Tag

Foto: expe­ri­menta gGmbH

Monitor mit Display “Härte­test” und RFID Tag

Large Digital Signage Displays in Foyer of expe­ri­menta science center Heil­bronn

Foto: expe­ri­menta gGmbH

Foto: expe­ri­menta gGmbH

Digital signage Banner Display des Expe­ri­menta Science Center Restau­rants

Photos: expe­ri­menta gGmbH
A unique world of know­ledge and experience awaits visitors on an area of 25,000 square meters with 275 inter­ac­tive exhibits, four crea­tive studios and nine labo­ra­to­ries as well as an obser­va­tory and an extra­or­di­nary Science Dome with spec­ta­cular science shows. A large amount of media tech­no­logy instal­la­tions come toge­ther in the exhi­bi­tions, labo­ra­to­ries, confe­rence rooms and the digital guidance system.
expe­ri­menta uses NeuroomNet on a large scale: Monitoring, time control, media control, digital signage, content management, visitor guidance, visitor identification, heatmap, etc. are used with the help of NeuroomNet modules.
NeuroomNet control with:
  • 950 KNX addresses
  • 394 Calcu­lator
  • 275 RFID Reader
  • 274 Soft­ware appli­ca­tions
  • 143 Info Screens
  • 19 Projec­tors
  • 102 Heatmap cameras
= 2,157 compon­ents

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Energy Educa­tion Center “um:welt

Operated by the Regens­burg Energy Agency, saving electricity is a top prio­rity here — with NeuroomNet!

Energy Educa­tion Center “um:welt

Media tech­no­logy and exhibit cons­truc­tion for the exhi­bi­tion with, among other things, RFID tech­no­logy, games, and inter­ac­tive exhibits.

  • Raising and lowe­ring of all exhibits accor­ding to sche­dule
  • Management of the RFID system and the RFID tickets of the visitors
“um:welt” is Bavaria’s first energy educa­tion center cove­ring an area of over 600 square meters.
With inter­ac­tive stations and the inclu­sion of all senses, the information and experience center in Regens­burg conveys to the public not only know­ledge and aware­ness regar­ding energy and climate protec­tion, but above all moti­va­tion and enthu­siasm for sustainable living.
The control of all elec­trical and digital compon­ents in the exhi­bi­tion is managed by the NeuroomNet control soft­ware. This is part of the sustaina­bi­lity concept of the exhi­bi­tion opera­tion. Via NeuroomNet, compu­ters, screens, projec­tions, lights and power can be turned up and down at the touch of a button or on a timed basis: Switching on before visi­ting groups arrive and switching off when, for example, the lunch break begins. This avoids unneces­sary power consump­tion.

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Mari­time Experience World Papen­burg

An expe­ri­en­tial attrac­tion with virtual reality, immersive spaces as well as gami­fi­ca­tion via lear­ning journey

Mari­time Experience World Papen­burg

  • Control of PCs, screens, projec­tions, RFID readers, sensors, KNX, IP sockets, etc.
  • RFID Lear­ning Journey realized with Script Blocks and Exhibits API
At the Forum Alte Werft in Papen­burg, the Mari­time Erleb­nis­welt offers a unique tourist experience to repre­sent the history of the site from its foun­da­tion to the start of cruise ship cons­truc­tion.
In the multi-story historic brick building, visitors go on a lear­ning journey on a total area of approx. 1,000m², which merges the iden­tity of Papen­burg with the crea­tion process of wooden and steel ships and also conveys complex content in an experience-oriented way. State-of-the-art exhi­bi­tion design and high-tech elements such as virtual and augmented reality, immersive spaces, gami­fi­ca­tion, and a Papen­burg app go hand in hand to create an expe­ri­en­tial attrac­tion not only at the Forum alte Werft, but in the cross-linking of the entire city. The entire media tech­no­logy (PCs, screens, projec­tions, RFID readers, sensors, KNX, IP sockets.…) inclu­ding the Lear­ning Journey is controlled by NeuroomNet.

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Media wall of the Düssel­dorf Univer­sity of Applied Sciences

72 m² inter­ac­tive LED media wall

Media wall of the Düssel­dorf Univer­sity of Applied Sciences

  • Use of digital signage module with individual 3D preview of the LED wall
  • Diffe­rent user levels for lectu­rers, students and admi­nis­tra­tors in the release system
  • Dynamic content through use of keywords and tagged media data
The institut bild.medien is a scien­tific-artistic rese­arch insti­tute of the Faculty of Design at the Univer­sity of Applied Sciences Düssel­dorf.
For a rese­arch and teaching project of the insti­tute, a free-stan­ding, 72 m² inter­ac­tive LED media wall was built on the premises of the Düssel­dorf Univer­sity of Applied Sciences. The content of the wall is managed and played via the NeuroomNet digital signage module inclu­ding content management.
The project creates a place where exch­ange takes place and forms of inter­ac­tive visual storytel­ling are deve­loped. It is about percep­tion and expres­sion training in public space, as well as scien­tific rese­arch on the way in which the atmo­sphere of public space is influenced by diffe­rent design, tech­no­logy and broad­cas­ting forms. In addi­tion, the design depart­ments are given a place to present their work in rese­arch and teaching to a broad public.

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Forum Know­ledge of the Georg-August-Univer­sity Göttingen

A public forum that deals with the topic of know­ledge in a multi­media way

Forum Know­ledge of the Georg-August-Univer­sity Göttingen

  • Monitoring and time control via NeuroomNet
  • Individual NeuroomNet dash­board with short­cuts for manual control of media tech­no­logy

Univer­sität Göttingen, Foto: Martin Liebe­truth

Univer­sität Göttingen, Foto: Martin Liebe­truth

Univer­sität Göttingen, Foto: Peter Heller

Univer­sität Göttingen, Foto: Anna Greger

Hunger for know­ledge, desire for disco­very, curio­sity — the Forum Wissen in Göttingen invites you! On 1400 square meters of exhi­bi­tion space, the focus is on the dialog between science and society. Central to this is the ques­tion: How is know­ledge created?
Topics range from histo­rical debates to inno­va­tive ideas and recent disco­veries to current rese­arch projects. The exami­na­tion of scien­tific know­ledge stimu­lates people to look at things from diffe­rent angles, to recon­sider posi­tions and to get involved in social discus­sions.
System inte­grator inSyn­ergie GmbH equipped the forum with information systems, video stations, projec­tions, audio stations and the NeuroomNet media control system.

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House of Schwarz­kopf

A flag­ship store with a unique multi­media concept

House of Schwarz­kopf

  • Stage for product presen­ta­tion and shows with micro­phony, cameras and lighting, live editing via NeuroomNet dash­board
  • Live­stream of the show stage on 3x3 display wall with NeuroomNet Digital Signage
  • Digital exhibits throug­hout the store swit­ched between day mode, evening mode and night mode via NeuroomNet timer control
The system inte­grator AVE equipped a hairdresser’s store and salon in the House of Schwarz­kopf with media tech­no­logy and digital signage. NeuroomNet was used as the soft­ware for control. With the help of NeuroomNet , complex user inter­faces for the show tech­no­logy and camera and sound control of the live cameras on stage were realized. NeuroomNet ’s digital signage module was also used to present product videos on various screens in the flag­ship store.

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“Germany’s mineral resources” in the Carl Bosch Museum

Exhi­bi­tion in Heidel­berg with a compre­hen­sive NeuroomNet Content Management System

© Carl Bosch Museum, Photos: Annette Mueck

“Germany’s mineral resources” in the Carl Bosch Museum

  • Monitoring of devices and exhibits via NeuroomNet Monitoring and Exhibits API
  • Exch­ange of texts, images and videos of all stations via NeuroomNet Content Management System

Carl Bosch Museum, Foto: Annette Mueck

© Carl Bosch Museum, Fotos: Annette Mueck

© Carl Bosch Museum, Fotos: Annette Mueck

© Carl Bosch Museum, Fotos: Annette Mueck

© Carl Bosch Museum, Fotos: Annette Mueck

Building of the Carl Bosch Museum

© Carl Bosch Museum, Fotos: Annette Mueck

© Carl Bosch Museum, Fotos: Annette Mueck

© Carl Bosch Museum, Photos: Annette Mueck
The special exhi­bi­tion at the Carl Bosch Museum focuses on “Germany’s mineral resources.”
The exhi­bi­tion takes a closer look at the mineral resources of the four raw mate­rial groups: stones and earths, indus­trial mine­rals, metals and energy raw mate­rials. Mineral resources were selected that are still being extra­cted in Germany in parti­cular today.
Theme islands answer other over­ar­ching big ques­tions:
How do we handle our raw mate­rials?
Are we running out of raw mate­rials?
And where do the raw mate­rials come from if they are not mined in Germany?
Inter­ac­tive hands-on exhibits such as lifting expe­ri­ments and digital exhibits with films and quizzes invite visitors* to try things out, discover, discuss and guess toge­ther. Media control as well as content management system and exhibits API were compre­hen­si­vely set up with NeuroomNet .

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Visitor count West­fa­len­park

In the popular park in Dort­mund, all entrances and exits are moni­tored with the aid of heatmap cameras and visitors are counted anony­mously

Visitor count West­fa­len­park

  • Visitor coun­ting via NeuroomNet Heatmap Module, storage in time series
  • Graph display of data via NeuroomNet statis­tics module
  • Custom dash­board with visua­liza­tion of numbers on the park map
As one of the most beau­tiful gardens in Europe, the West­fa­len­park is not only the “green oasis” in Dortmund’s urban area, but also an attrac­tive and active leisure park for the city and the region with nume­rous offers for young and old. The park covers an area of appro­xi­m­ately 75 hectares, is comple­tely fenced and acces­sible via eight entrances and exits.
At these entrances and exits, a total of 22 Xovis heatmap cameras for people coun­ting were installed by the company inSyn­ergie GmbH. The moun­ting height of the cameras varies between 2.5 and 5 meters, depen­ding on the entrance.
With the help of the NeuroomNet control soft­ware, the camera data is read out and compiled into statis­tics. The data basis and display of the statis­tics can be set via the inter­face.
An individual NeuroomNet dash­board always provides information on the current figures and status of the cameras.

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DKV Mobi­lity World

Company exhi­bi­tion with extra­or­di­nary LED walls as eye-catcher

DKV Mobi­lity World

  • Switching the LED walls on and off via NeuroomNet
  • Display of videos and web content on the LED walls via NeuroomNet digital signage module
  • Based on markers in the digital signage show sequence, surrounded LED strips of the light union are trig­gered synchro­no­usly
The exhi­bi­tion is located on the first floor of the newly built exten­sion of DKV mobi­lity in Ratingen. In an Experience Area in the entrance area, visitors* can learn about the history and deve­lo­p­ment of DKV Mobi­lity, as well as get to know the individual product areas of DKV Mobi­lity in a playful and inter­ac­tive way.
inSyn­ergie GmbH installed the media tech­no­logy. This includes the instal­la­tion of two high-defi­ni­tion LED walls measu­ring appro­xi­m­ately 3 x 4 meters, synchro­nized with a light show on LED strips. The LED walls and the inter­face to the trade light were realized with NeuroomNet . The Digital Signage module and the Script Blocks module were used for this purpose.

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If you are looking for an expe­ri­enced media tech­no­logy control partner with a proven track record and satis­fied custo­mers, look no further than NeuroomNet.

Contact us today to learn how we can make your media needs a reality.

Media tech­no­logy excel­lence through experience

NeuroomNet can control any tech­no­logy, but instal­la­tions with media tech­no­logy in parti­cular benefit from NeuroomNet features. When it comes to control­ling media tech­no­logy, experience is the key to success. We have decades of exper­tise in these areas, and our list of refe­rences speaks for itself.


Inno­va­tive media tech­no­logy for shop­ping centers

We have deve­loped and imple­mented custo­mized media tech­no­logy solu­tions for German shop­ping centers. Our tech­no­logy creates an immersive shop­ping experience for visitors and helps make the mall a hotspot for enter­tain­ment and shop­ping.

Science Center: Lear­ning through tech­no­logy

Science Centers rely on our exper­tise to inte­grate inno­va­tive media tech­no­logy and control solu­tions. We support the inter­ac­ti­vity and educa­tional oppor­tu­ni­ties of these centers by using state-of-the-art tech­no­logy.

Museums: culture and tech­no­logy combined

Various museums throug­hout Germany rely on NeuroomNet to manage their exhi­bi­tions with state-of-the-art media tech­no­logy. Our solu­tions bring art and history to life in a fasci­na­ting way and offer visitors an inter­ac­tive experience.


Our refe­rences are your trust

Our creden­tials are proof of our commit­ment to excel­lence and our unwa­ve­ring dedi­ca­tion to meeting the needs of our custo­mers. We work with you to develop custo­mized solu­tions that meet your needs and justify your confi­dence in our capa­bi­li­ties.

At the same time, we are always on the lookout for new refe­rence projects. Contact us if you want to become our next refe­rence project! The follo­wing areas in parti­cular offer great poten­tial:


Media control for first-class hotels and restau­rants

Leading hotels are incre­asingly focu­sing on provi­ding their guests with first-class enter­tain­ment and control options. NeuroomNet can help make the stay at these hotels memo­rable.

Corpo­rate head­quar­ters: produc­ti­vity through tech­no­logy

Large compa­nies equip their meeting rooms and event spaces with state-of-the-art tech­no­logy, but control soft­ware is essen­tial for seam­less presen­ta­tions and events. This is how NeuroomNet can enable the increase of produc­ti­vity and effi­ci­ency.

Educa­tional faci­li­ties: State-of-the-art tech­no­logy for educa­tion

Schools, univer­si­ties and educa­tional insti­tu­tions rely on media tech­no­logy to enhance lear­ning envi­ron­ments and enable cutting-edge teaching methods. Main­ten­ance and servicing is improved by NeuroomNet.

Learn more about NeuroomNet’s diffe­rent appli­ca­tion areas