NeuroomNet Prices

Every NeuroomNet instal­la­tion is diffe­rent.

Media and building auto­ma­tion is custo­mized work.

If you wish we support you on your individual journey from instal­la­tion to the latest update.

Purchase or rent?

Thoughts we have put into our pricing model

What I buy is mine!

Yes, that’s right, but with soft­ware, it’s usually a transfer contract. That means resel­ling the soft­ware or even copying and resel­ling it is not possible anyway. Nobody wants to. Ther­e­fore, this would certainly not be a convin­cing argu­ment for a purchase.

With purchase, I have no running costs!

Theo­re­ti­cally, no. But what about updates? Even if the soft­ware works satis­fac­to­rily and you can do without func­tion updates, you certainly want to benefit from secu­rity updates. Espe­ci­ally with a server-based solu­tion that is operated via brow­sers from diffe­rent manu­fac­tu­rers and whose commu­ni­ca­tion is comple­tely encrypted via certificates.
You should always pay atten­tion to updates, espe­ci­ally with such central soft­ware as a building and media management system.
You should always pay atten­tion to updates, espe­ci­ally with such central soft­ware as a building and media management system. Even if your solu­tion does not come from NeuroomNet, no manu­fac­turer can take into account all the problems of tomorrow’s IT world today. It is important to get updates promptly in case of threats.

But subscrip­tion models with monthly payments are annoying!

Abso­lutely right. For us too. That’s why NeuroomNet offers you the option to choose your own billing period. As you wish, monthly or for the next 12 months or 2 years or more. The provi­sion of updates is of course included for the entire dura­tion of the contract.

What happens if I forget to renew my subscrip­tion?

Don’t worry, we will remind you 😉
Seriously, we are not strict about this. The soft­ware will continue to run even without a subscrip­tion. There is no forced check on a cloud server or dongle or anything like that. We trust our custo­mers.

I still want to buy it!

No problem. Pay for three years and continue using the soft­ware without any further costs. However, you will have to do without updates after this period.

Any ques­tions?

Our sales team will analyze your project and advise you on which NeuroomNet package is right for you.

Let us advise you now, free of charge and without obli­ga­tion.