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Media control
With NeuroomNet you can make your media control simple and clear.
Media techÂnoÂlogy plays an important role in many modern builÂdings. It is used for enterÂtainÂment, information, and commuÂniÂcaÂtion and thus contriÂbutes signiÂfiÂcantly to user comfort. To mainÂtain this user comfort and at the same time avoid malfuncÂtions and failures, reliable monitoring of the media techÂnoÂlogy is essenÂtial.
A monitoring system makes it possible to monitor the media techÂnoÂlogy in real-time and to react quickly to any problems if necesÂsary. This not only avoids inconÂveÂniÂence for users but also finanÂcial losses due to breakÂdowns or repairs.
In addiÂtion, a media control system also offers the possibility of optiÂmiÂzing media techÂnoÂlogy and analyÂzing usage behaÂvior. This makes it possible to adapt the media techÂnoÂlogy speciÂfiÂcally to the needs of the users and thus makes it even more satisÂfacÂtory.
![Responsive GUI for NeuroomNet Monitoring of devices in the whole building. Just use the internet browser of your smart phone / mobile. Responsive GUI for NeuroomNet Monitoring of devices in the whole building. Just use the internet browser of your smart phone / mobile.](https://neuroom.net/wp-content/uploads/image-16.png)
ComponÂents of a profesÂsional media control system
Below you can learn how the media control in NeuroomNet is composed.
You would like to use NeuroomNet media control for your building?