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Secu­rity and rights

NeuroomNet as a building management and auto­ma­tion soft­ware helps you to safely manage and monitor your elec­trical devices and media. We have focused espe­ci­ally on safety, so you don’t have to worry.

Secure commu­ni­ca­tion via HTTPS

Secure commu­ni­ca­tion is indis­pensable in building management!
When a high level of secu­rity is required, many custo­mers value a protected network with no connec­tion to the Internet.
NeuroomNet is consis­t­ently desi­gned for encryp­tion and works both in an internal, compart­ment­a­lized network and via hosting over the cloud.

Advan­tages at a glance

  • NeuroomNet can be operated in a stan­dards-compliant PKI infra­struc­ture with certificates.
  • NeuroomNet can be inte­grated into a domain via Active Direc­tory so that all parti­ci­pants can log on to the system via their domain pass­word.
  • If rights and roles are used, personal data is often also trans­mitted and the GDPR requires encrypted trans­mis­sion.

Even with a lot of diverse users it is easy to configure all rights and to manage security in NeuroomNet.

Individual access rights using rights management

With our rights management, you can define individual access rights and ensure that only autho­rized persons can access certain information and func­tions.

This way, you can be sure that your data is always protected and that all DSGVO requi­re­ments are met.

Advan­tages at a glance

  • In the very flexible rights management, any roles can be defined, which in turn can be assi­gned any rights.
  • You can freely decide which user groups should exist.
  • Users can be assi­gned any number of roles (editor, admi­nis­trator, but also users who can only observe).

code view log encrypting security computer screen

For more examples and expl­ana­tions take a look at our documentation.