With NeuroomNet you can make your building control simple and clear.
Media techÂnoÂlogy plays an important role in many modern builÂdings. It is used for enterÂtainÂment, information, and commuÂniÂcaÂtion and thus contriÂbutes signiÂfiÂcantly to user comfort. To mainÂtain this user comfort and at the same time avoid malfuncÂtions and failures, reliable monitoring of the media techÂnoÂlogy is essenÂtial.
A monitoring system makes it possible to monitor the media techÂnoÂlogy in real-time and to react quickly to any problems if necesÂsary. This not only avoids inconÂveÂniÂence for users but also finanÂcial losses due to breakÂdowns or repairs.
In addiÂtion, a monitoring system also offers the possibility of optiÂmiÂzing media techÂnoÂlogy and analyÂzing user behaÂvior. This makes it possible to adapt the media techÂnoÂlogy speciÂfiÂcally to the needs of the users and thus makes it even more satisÂfacÂtory.

Overall, the monitoring of media techÂnoÂlogy in builÂdings offers numeÂrous advanÂtages: It improves user comfort, prevents failures and malfuncÂtions, and enables targeted optiÂmizaÂtion of media techÂnoÂlogy. All this helps to make the building a modern and attracÂtive place.
TherÂeÂfore, monitoring is a very central module in NeuroomNet.
Below you can learn how the monitoring is desiÂgned in NeuroomNet.
You would like to use NeuroomNet Monitoring for your building?
Monitoring of componÂents in the network
Thanks to the status summary, you can see at a glance which componÂents are turned on.
For a better overÂview, it is possible to group devices.
The stations are posiÂtioned as markers on the floor plans and take on the color of their status level. So you can see not only what condiÂtion the devices are in, but also where each device is located.
The technical information, instrucÂtions, documentation, etc. for groups can be conveÂniÂently displayed via the Info tab. Not only texts but also files such as images and PDFs can be stored there.
Switching devices and groups from monitoring allows a quick response when an error status occurs. However, only the people to whom you have assiÂgned the correÂsponÂding rights can do that.
Quick overÂview through individual status display

Quick orienÂtaÂtion via building plans
AutoÂmatic failure treatÂment
What should happen in the event of a device failure?
Should a notiÂfiÂcaÂtion be sent by email?
Should an autoÂmatic restart be performed?
Should the failure be visuaÂlized in a dashÂboard?
Should an announceÂment be made?
Or, or, or…
All no problem for NeuroomNet!
All measures can also be carried out simulÂtaÂneously or in chroÂnoÂloÂgical order.
Of course, the failure is also logged.
GrouÂping for effecÂtive work
ComponÂents can be grouped logiÂcally. For example, componÂents can be grouped into workÂstaÂtions, stations, or exhibits. The desiÂgnaÂtions are freely selecÂtable.
Groups can then be further grouped into any nesting depth, for example, rooms, floors, and halls. This not only serves the purpose of clarity but also simpliÂfies many processes. “Switch off 432 componÂents” becomes “Switch off hall 01”.
ExtenÂsive recorÂding of status changes
House of SchwarzÂkopf
In monitoring, you often want to track whether there are specific events that led to a failure.
Logging helps to idenÂtify a systeÂmatic behind system changes, e.g. if a compoÂnent fails every day at the same time or always after a certain number of operaÂting hours.
FurtherÂmore, statisÂtical stateÂments can be made about technical componÂents that may be of inteÂrest in the case of a new acquiÂsiÂtion. Since logging data can quickly become extenÂsive, numeÂrous filter options are available for evaluaÂtion.
For more examples and explÂanaÂtions take a look at our documentation.