Media control/script blocks
Even an autoÂmated, centraÂlized system must be underÂstanÂdable and operable for many people during procesÂsing. NeuroomNet offers various options for this.
Create autoÂmaÂtisms in the building control system
Every building is diffeÂrent and every media techÂnoÂlogy is used individually.
TherÂeÂfore, you can very easily define sequences in the NeuroomNet “Script Blocks” and thus create your personal media control.
Here we are in the brain of NeuroomNet — everÂyÂthing can be linked to everÂyÂthing!
Do I need to learn a new scripÂting language for this? No!
When we talk about script blocks in NeuroomNet, we don’t mean classic code. Users can see visually which events lead to which actions. UnderÂneath is a scripÂting language, but it is only used to import and export the blocks.
can be, for example, a time, presÂsing a button on the tablet, or exceeÂding a thresÂhold value. NeuroomNet listens to these events. They are used as trigÂgers.
are, for example, switching on a PC, chanÂging a light scene, or starting a video playÂlist. NeuroomNet controls devices via it. They are the reacÂtion to a trigger.
You can combine and chain events and actions as you like!
Endless possiÂbiÂliÂties for the autoÂmaÂtion of your media techÂnoÂlogy
In this way, for example, an announceÂment can be started every day at a certain time (event), a lighting scene can be called up at the click of a button, or media sources can be switÂched.
This opens up countÂless possiÂbiÂliÂties without having to learn a programming language or become famiÂliar with the protoÂcols of the end devices!
Graphical editor to build logic
To geneÂrate complex behaÂvior in NeuroomNet, you don’t need to know any programming language. NeuroomNet has a visual code editor.

DesiÂgned for digital media and building management
Thanks to its numeÂrous interÂfaces and supported protoÂcols, Neuroomnet can commuÂniÂcate directly with the end devices. Freely defiÂnable names and icons always help to keep the overÂview.

Simple operaÂtion with drag & drop
The order of what is to be executed and when can be set quite simply by dragÂging and dropÂping.
LikeÂwise, adding new actions works via drag and drop.
Copying, commenÂting, deleÂting, renaming, etc. works just as quickly and easily.
Address individual componÂents, groups, or entire builÂdings
No matter whether a single device, a workÂstaÂtion, an exhibit, a room, a floor, or an entire building is to be addressed, in the NeuroomNet script blocks this can be graphiÂcally compiled with one line.

Start single compoÂnent

Turn off all compuÂters in the building

Start all compuÂters on the floor
“Event -> Action” as an intuiÂtive concept
It is that simple. When an event occurs, someÂthing is supposed to happen (action).
Events can be all sorts of things:
- A key is pressed
- A tempeÂraÂture is exceeded
- A video is over
- One device fails
- A date or time is reached

In the same way, there are countÂless actions:
- Play the video
- Dim the light to 50%
- Restart the computer
- Turn everÂyÂthing off
CondiÂtional execuÂtions (IF blocks)
Of course, you also have to be able to formuÂlate condiÂtions — “Switch only if there is no presenÂtaÂtion running at the moment”.
NeuroomNet script blocks offer simple AND powerful options for this as well.

Simple procesÂsing of values in variaÂbles
In the context of building and media control, you work a lot with values (numbers and texts) that you want to store, read out and evaluate. These values are stored in variaÂbles in NeuroomNet. The variaÂbles can be used globally and everÂyÂthing flows togeÂther in the script blocks.
For example, the numeÂrical value of a CO2 sensor can be evaluated to take measures in the ventiÂlaÂtion or passed on to a dashÂboard to be visuaÂlized there as a display.
ConfiÂgure instead of program
Many tasks are simply confiÂgured instead of programmed. You don’t have to type in lines of code, just fill in clearly labeled form fields.
All funcÂtions are available via the graphical user interÂface.
For example, if you want a variable to save its last value in a list every time you change it, you can do that with a few clicks in the variable dialog. With this list of stored values, you can later create statisÂtics about the history, whether you want to record and evaluate the tempeÂraÂture history of a room or the number of people in a room over the day.
For such tasks, you don’t need a single script in Neuroomnet.
For more examples and explÂanaÂtions take a look at our documentation.