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Soft­ware API

A simple but powerful inter­face for smart devices and sensor control

Using the NeuroomNet soft­ware API, an Arduino, a Raspberry Pi or even a Unity 3D appli­ca­tion can commu­ni­cate directly with NeuroomNet.

Through the soft­ware API, NeuroomNet provides a service (provider) for connec­ting generic compon­ents via the general inter­face TCP.

This allows maximum open­ness and flexi­bi­lity to connect devices, firm­ware, and soft­ware to the NeuroomNet media control!

In prac­tical terms, this means that programmers can use the NeuroomNet soft­ware API to write their devices or soft­ware appli­ca­tions in such a way that they can commu­ni­cate bidi­rec­tion­ally with NeuroomNet. For this purpose, the programmer regis­ters events and actions with NeuroomNet via a well-defined protocol, which can subse­quently be used for data and information exch­ange.

Using the soft­ware API, devices can be combined with each other in the simp­lest and safest way. The possi­bi­li­ties are endless, so here are some prac­tical examples.

Prac­tical example 1

An Arduino reads CO2 and tempe­ra­ture values with appro­priate sensors and trans­mits them to NeuroomNet. NeuroomNet displays these values as a history curve in a dash­board and can display warnings or send emails when CO2 values are exceeded.

Prac­tical example 2

Using a dedicated programming envi­ron­ment (e.g. Unity 3D), an educa­tional game is realized in a museum. During the game, external lights, motors, etc. should be turned on and off. These compon­ents are already inte­grated into NeuroomNet via various inter­faces such as DMX, KNX, etc. Ther­e­fore, the soft­ware deve­loper can simply tell NeuroomNet via the soft­ware API which devices are to be swit­ched. The other direc­tion is also conceivable, of course. If, for example, a motion detector inte­grated in NeuroomNet is trig­gered, NeuroomNet can commu­ni­cate this accor­dingly to the soft­ware so that it can, for example, call up the start screen.

For more examples and expl­ana­tions take a look at our documentation.