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Information for deve­lo­pers

Exhibits API

Soft­ware API

If you are a deve­loper looking for inno­va­tive ways to seam­lessly connect your own soft­ware, stations, firm­ware and devices to NeuroomNet, then you have come to the right place. In this section you will learn ever­y­thing you need to know about the exhibits API and the soft­ware API of NeuroomNet.


What is NeuroomNet?

NeuroomNet is a soft­ware based on web tech­no­lo­gies. The core is made up of several web servers and can either be installed locally on your premises on a dedicated computer or VM, or operated online on a cloud service. NeuroomNet must have access to the same network in which the devices to be controlled are located!
All func­tions are acces­sible via the admi­nis­tra­tion GUI with a web browser.

NeuroomNet is when all your devices commu­ni­cate with each other and can be conve­ni­ently controlled from one device. Building management, media control, building auto­ma­tion, and building system tech­no­logy from a single source.

NeuroomNet is a soft­ware based on web tech­no­lo­gies. The core is made up of several web servers and can either be installed locally on your premises on a dedicated computer or VM, or operated online on a cloud service. NeuroomNet must have access to the same network in which the devices to be controlled are located!
All func­tions are acces­sible via the admi­nis­tra­tion GUI with a web browser.


Exhibits API: Flexi­bi­lity and custo­miza­bi­lity

NeuroomNet’s Exhibits API enables inte­gra­tion into exis­ting soft­ware solu­tions or the deve­lo­p­ment of custo­mized appli­ca­tions. Espe­ci­ally when deve­lo­ping for museums and show rooms, you can benefit from the possi­bi­li­ties of the Exhibits API.

See our soft­ware API documentation to learn how to effort­lessly exch­ange data with NeuroomNet and inte­grate it into your appli­ca­tions. We provide code samples and best prac­tices to help you get started.


Soft­ware API: Your bridge to the physical world

NeuroomNet’s soft­ware API is the gateway to the physical world. It enables the seam­less inte­gra­tion of NeuroomNet into hard­ware and devices. Whether you are deve­lo­ping smart sensors, media tech­no­logy devices, or robo­tics solu­tions, the soft­ware API gives you the ability to inte­grate them into the NeuroomNet ecosystem. Turn your devices into intel­li­gently controll­able machines and open up comple­tely new fields of appli­ca­tion.

Our documentation guides you through the process of inte­gra­ting the soft­ware API with your hard­ware, provi­ding step-by-step instruc­tions and examples to help you get started.


Opti­mize your deve­lo­p­ment projects

Using NeuroomNet’s Exhibits API and Soft­ware API allows you to maxi­mize your deve­lo­p­ment poten­tial. Our compre­hen­sive documentation supports you in reali­zing the seam­less inte­gra­tion of NeuroomNet into your projects.

Start explo­ring NeuroomNet’s API and Soft­ware API exhibits today and help shape the future of tech­no­logy.