Data privacy
Data ProtecÂtion Officer
NeuroomNet Data ProtecÂtion Officer
Maarweg 56
53619 RheinÂbreitÂbach
Tel.: +49 (0) 2224 98933–0
Data privacy
If the opporÂtuÂnity for the input of personal or busiÂness data (email addresses, name, addresses) is given, the input of these data takes place volunÂtÂaÂrily. neuroomNet expressly declares that it will not pass this data on to third parties.
The collÂecÂtion and use of your data is strictly in accordance with the proviÂsions of the Federal Data ProtecÂtion Act (BDSG) and the TeleÂmedia Act (TMG).
However, we would like to take this opporÂtuÂnity to point out the general dangers of Internet use over which we have no control. EspeÂciÂally in e‑mail traffic, your data is not secure without further precauÂtions and can possibly be captured by third parties.
You can sign up to receive our newsÂletter on our website. We need your e‑mail address for this. In addiÂtion, we must check, in compliÂance with the releÂvant legal regulations, whether you are actually the owner of the e‑mail address provided and would like to receive the newsÂletter. We therÂeÂfore collect information that makes such veriÂfiÂcaÂtion possible. The data collÂected in this context is used for sending and receiÂving the newsÂletter. They have no other purpose and are not shared with third parties. Apart from the information required for sending the newsÂletter, no further data is collÂected by our side. As the sending and receiÂving of newsÂletÂters is depenÂdent on your consent, you can revoke this consent to the collÂecÂtion and storage of your data at any time without giving reasons. To do so, use the “unsubÂscribe” funcÂtion provided in the newsÂletter.
ObjecÂtion adverÂtiÂsing e‑mails
As part of the legal imprint obliÂgaÂtion, we must publish our contact details. These are someÂtimes used by third parties to send unsoÂliÂcited adverÂtiÂseÂments and information. We hereby object to any sending of adverÂtiÂsing mateÂrial of any kind not expressly authoÂrized by us. FurtherÂmore, we expressly reserve the right to take legal action against the unsoÂliÂcited sending of adverÂtiÂsing mateÂrial. This applies in partiÂcular to so-called spam e‑mails, spam letters and spam faxes. We would like to point out that the unautÂhoÂrized transÂmisÂsion of adverÂtiÂsing mateÂrial can affect both compeÂtiÂtion law, civil law and criminal law offences. Spam e‑mails and spam faxes in partiÂcular can lead to high claims for damages if they disrupt busiÂness operaÂtions by overÂflowing mailÂboxes or fax machines.
Google Maps Plugin
We use a plugin of the internet service Google Maps on our website to display our locaÂtion. The operator of Google Maps is Google Inc., located in the USA, CA 94043, 1600 AmphiÂtheatre Parkway, MounÂtain View. By using Google Maps on our website, information about the use of this website and your IP address is transÂmitted to a Google server in the USA and also stored on this server. We have no knowÂledge about the exact content of the transÂmitted data, nor about their use by Google. In this context, the company denies the connecÂtion of the data with information from other Google services and the collÂecÂtion of personal data. However, Google may transmit the information to third parties. If you disable JavaÂscript in your browser, you prevent Google Maps from running. However, you will then also not be able to use any map display on our website. By using our website, you consent to the described collÂecÂtion and procesÂsing of information by Google Inc. You can find out more about the privacy policy and terms of use for Google Maps here:
Use of Google AnalyÂtics
We use Google AnalyÂtics to analyze website usage. The data obtained from this is used to optiÂmize our website and adverÂtiÂsing measures.
Google AnalyÂtics is provided to us by Google Ireland Limited (Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland). Google processes website usage data on our behalf and is contracÂtually committed to measures to ensure the secuÂrity and confiÂdenÂtiaÂlity of the data processed.
During your visit to the website, the folloÂwing data, among others, is recorded:
- Pages called
The achieÂveÂment of “website goals” (e.g., contact inquiÂries and newsÂletter sign-ups).
Your behaÂvior on the pages (for example, dwell time, clicks, scrolÂling behaÂvior) - Your approÂxiÂmate locaÂtion (country and city)
- Your IP address (in shorÂtened form, so that no clear assignÂment is possible)
- Technical information such as browser, Internet provider, terminal device and screen resoÂluÂtion
- Source of origin of your visit (i.e. via which website or via which adverÂtiÂsing medium you came to us)
No personal data such as name, address or contact details are ever transÂferred to Google AnalyÂtics.
This data is transÂferred to Google servers in the USA. We would like to point out that, under data protecÂtion law, the same level of protecÂtion cannot be guaranÂteed in the USA as within the EU.
Google AnalyÂtics stores cookies in your web browser for a period of two years since your last visit. These cookies contain a randomly geneÂrated user ID, with which you can be recoÂgnized on future website visits.
The recorded data is stored togeÂther with the randomly geneÂrated user ID, which enables the evaluaÂtion of pseudÂonyÂmous user profiles. This user-related data is autoÂmaÂtiÂcally deleted after 14 months. Other data remains stored in aggreÂgated form indeÂfiÂniÂtely.
If you do not agree with the collÂecÂtion, you can prevent it with the one-time instalÂlaÂtion of a browser add-on to disable Google AnalyÂtics or by rejecÂting cookies via our cookie settings dialog.