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Media control for confe­rence rooms

Single solu­tion for Media technical rooms

In ever­yday office life, media tech­no­logy can present many challenges:

Due to its flexible struc­ture NeuroomNet can also be used on very energy effi­cient hard­ware and is ther­e­fore ideally suited for use on small servers for complex tasks.
Some­times you have to manage less than an entire building.

  • Projector on/off and source selec­tion
  • Lighting on/off and dimming
  • Audio on/off and volume
  • Air condi­tioner at tempe­ra­ture
  • Shading Up/Down and Presets
  • Canvas Up/Down
  • etc.

These are tasks that the NeuroomNet H1001 server handles with ease.

NeuroomNet server chassis 1U, NeuroomNet server PC, 19 inch 2U chassis for rack mounting


For more than just one confe­rence room. No limi­ta­tion on number of compon­ents and groups.

900,- €

excl. VAT

Technical data

1U NeuroomNet Server
CPU Quad Core A76 2.4GHz + Quad
Core A55 1.8GHz
1GBit Ethernet
Power consump­tion Max. 15W
Power consump­tion idle 5W

Classic media control from NeuroomNet

In today’s busi­ness world, simple and effi­cient solu­tions for media control and media control and building auto­ma­tion are crucial.

Why should you choose NeuroomNet for this?

The intui­tive graphical scrip­ting inter­face: NeuroomNet puts you in control about your media tech­no­logy. Our user-friendly inter­face makes the crea­tion of scripts and work­flows easier than ever before. Control your tech­no­logy accor­ding to your own ideas, without exten­sive training and certificates.

  • Energy-effi­cient hard­ware: The H1001 server is not only powerful, but also energy effi­cient. You can rely on NeuroomNet to keep your opera­ting costs mini­mized without losing perfor­mance.
  • Unli­mited scala­bi­lity: No matter how large your company is — with NeuroomNet there are no rest­ric­tions in terms of rooms or number of devices, that you can control. Easily custo­mize our solu­tion to your specific Requi­re­ments for.
  • Mobile flexi­bi­lity: Control your media tech­no­logy from any iOS or Android device.Mobile device off. NeuroomNet is always in your hands. Change processes over each Browser. The inte­grated rights system ensures that only you have access.
  • Secu­rity is a top prio­rity: commu­ni­ca­ting via TLS ensures that your data is protected at all times. Focus on your tasks while NeuroomNet ensures the secu­rity of your media control.
  • Building auto­ma­tion: NeuroomNet goes beyond conven­tional media control and enables the management and control of entire buil­dings. Opti­mize the effi­ci­ency of your premises and create a perfect envi­ron­ment for produc­ti­vity and comfort.

Graphical editor for tablet surfaces

The individually desi­gned and func­tional user inter­faces for the opera­tion can be directly via the NeuroomNet server in the browser. Any number of user inter­faces can be created with the corre­spon­ding rights for diffe­rent access levels can be created.

Graphic shows a possible layout for the dashboard on a tablet to control a conference room. Included are control options for video, audio, light as well as climate&shading.
Dashboard Designer software interface. A blue dashboard for lighting control is designed there.

Learn more about NeuroomNet’s features