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NeuroomNet in the shop­ping center

Control­ling the entire shop­ping center with NeuroomNet

Media tech­no­logy can present many challenges:

  1. Technical failures for which external specia­lists have to be called in?
  2. High energy costs due to manual control of lighting, heating, air condi­tio­ning, and other building func­tions?
  3. Have trouble opti­mi­zing the shop­ping experience for your clientele by manu­ally control­ling music, lighting, and other factors?

Problem & Solu­tion

Easily iden­tify and fix technical failures yourself

In a modern shop­ping center today, a wide range of media tech­no­logy can be found, inclu­ding sound systems, video walls, RFID systems, and digital signage, as well as general building tech­no­logy in areas such as lighting, heating, and secu­rity.
Mana­ging these and resol­ving failures quickly and sustain­ably is an ongoing task that can cost a lot of time and exper­tise. Problems with data secu­rity, system failures, network malfunc­tions, incom­pa­ti­bi­lity of new soft­ware, and devices can quickly become very time-consuming and expen­sive.
But costs for main­ten­ance of media tech­no­logy and its orga­niza­tion as well as training your employees in various systems are often just as time-consuming and cost-inten­sive.

Easily iden­tify and fix technical failures yourself

A cost-effec­tive and easy-to-use option is to centra­lize all this tech­no­logy via NeuroomNet.
You don’t need staff with programming skills or cumber­some training to operate NeuroomNet soft­ware, as the monitoring inter­faces provide a simpli­fied over­view of all your tech­no­logy. This gives staff the ability to quickly see at a glance where errors are occur­ring and how to fix them. In addi­tion, the soft­ware faci­li­tates the fulfill­ment of compli­ance requi­re­ments and secu­rity regulations.
NeuroomNet offers the right balance between auto­ma­tion and manual setting options to cover all the func­tions you need for your ever­yday life.

Problem & Solu­tion

Save energy and costs

Opera­ting media equip­ment (e.g., having staff manu­ally turn equip­ment on and off) causes labor costs, and because of this, equip­ment is often left running conti­nuously. This results in high energy costs and you may even consider redu­cing media tech­no­logy, but this would signi­fi­cantly reduce func­tion­a­lity and effi­ci­ency.

Save energy and costs

With a management system like NeuroomNet, you can auto­mate turning all devices on and off to reduce run times and power consump­tion!
Even devices from diffe­rent manu­fac­tu­rers are all managed centrally and can be set via speci­fied times in the calendar func­tion. For example, exceptions can also be set up on public holi­days.
The service life of your devices is extended because switching sequences can be auto­mated and the fuse is not simply swit­ched off hard. These sequences miti­gate dama­ging wear and tear on your equip­ment and mini­mize hard­ware and soft­ware defects, such as with projec­tors whose illu­mi­nants require cooling time.

For more info and sample calcu­la­tions on our energy-saving options, read here:

Problem & Solu­tion

Impro­ving the customer shop­ping experience through centra­lized building tech­no­logy

A plea­sant shop­ping envi­ron­ment is important to you, but the seasonal and time-of-day demands of building tech­no­logy make it costly and time-consuming to operate.


Impro­ving the customer shop­ping experience through centra­lized building tech­no­logy

A centra­lized building system like NeuroomNet can help. Auto­mated processes that react to temporal events and external influences (such as tempe­ra­ture changes) save you manual control of devices in diffe­rent stores and areas of the center and their costs and allow you to react spon­ta­neously and promptly to chan­ging requi­re­ments. For example, when tempe­ra­tures rise in the summer, air condi­tio­ning is adjusted and adver­ti­sing for ice cream stores can be placed via digital ads.
Our inno­va­tive visitor flow management solu­tion also gives you the ability to monitor customer traffic in real-time and analyze data on parti­cu­larly favorable shop­ping times, buying beha­vior, etc., and send out tail­ored content via ads.
The way this works is that NeuroomNet’s visitor coun­ting system can reco­gnize via heat map where there is parti­cu­larly heavy foot­fall and announce information tail­ored to the situa­tion either auto­ma­ti­cally or manu­ally by your staff via the displays. This tech­no­logy can be applied, for example, to manage parking spaces and announce in which blocks free spaces are available.

Our soft­ware thus offers you the oppor­tu­nity to reduce your opera­ting costs while incre­asing your custo­mers’ satis­fac­tion through an opti­mized shop­ping experience.

Further services

NeuroomNet’s services also include:
  • People coun­ting (control of visitor flows and impro­ve­ment of secu­rity)
  • Secure encryp­tion of your system
  • Individual access rights using rights management
  • Digital signage (display of content on any number of displays)
  • Content can be individually adapted to external circum­s­tances such as calendar events, light and weather condi­tions, and other requi­re­ments
  • Expan­da­bility of the system, which also offers inter­faces for newer tech­no­lo­gies
and many more!
Touch screen at Shopping Center Loop5 in Weiterstadt near Frankfurt

Shop­ping center Loop 5 in Weiter­stadt

Learn more about NeuroomNet’s features