Refe­rence | Science Center

Tech­no­polis Mechelen

  • Immersive digital space in the exhi­bi­tion
  • Media tech­no­logy includes, among other things, over 20 projec­tors, audio and camera tech­no­logy as well as exhibit cons­truc­tion
  • Projec­tions on inter­ac­tive walls & floor to create the impres­sion of being on the ocean floor

Tech­no­polis, the Flemish tech­no­logy educa­tion center in Mechelen, opened its new immersive digital space Part­ner­zone with the exhi­bi­tion “Zeekracht” (Sea Power).

The media tech­no­logy, consis­ting among others of more than 20 projec­tors, audio and camera tech­no­logy as well as the exhibit cons­truc­tion, is controlled via the compre­hen­sive media control system of NeuroomNet.

Imme­dia­tely after ente­ring the immersive space, projec­tions on the inter­ac­tive walls and floor create the impres­sion of being on the ocean floor. Fish swim around, the ground moves with the tides.

The inter­ac­tive walls give visitors the oppor­tu­nity to build wind turbines, protect whales from under­water noise and create their own waves to gene­rate energy. On a large inter­ac­tive projec­tion table, they learn what the port of the future may look like, how the port’s enormous energy needs will be met by rene­wable energy, and how ships will be fueled with electricity or hydrogen.

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A unique world of know­ledge and experience awaits visitors in an area of 25,000 square meters.