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Visitor count and flow

People coun­ting for small busi­nesses and retail

What are heatmap systems needed for?

Not only in times of Corona, people coun­ting systems are a prac­tical means to control customer flows and improve secu­rity (detect occu­p­ancy of rooms, prepare for evacua­tions, etc.). But espe­ci­ally now, in the fight against the Corona crisis, the Asso­cia­tion of German Cham­bers of Industry and Commerce is also propo­sing increased digi­tiza­tion. Since access to stores and hotels is to be limited, digital solu­tions are needed here to inform or even warn users about the density of people. The federal govern­ment also provides finan­cial support to museums and memo­rial sites for corona-related measures that opti­mize visitor control, for example, via heat map systems. But even after the crisis, these systems are still useful, for example, for analy­zing purcha­sing beha­vior and foot traffic in the building.

Advan­tages at a glance

  • More clarity and trans­pa­rency for custo­mers and employees
  • No personnel needed for additional tasks
  • Low invest­ment for opera­tional safety
  • Anony­mous coun­ting: DSGVO compliant!

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Animated graph showing different visitor statistics over the period of a day
Visitor statis­tics show the utiliza­tion of a building over longer periods. In this way, it is possible to analyze which days or times of day are busiest and weakest.
camera with monitor showing the maximum capacity of customers
A dual camera is mounted above the entrance to reliably detect flows of people in both direc­tions. The soft­ware coll­ects the data to deter­mine the number of people in a room. Several cameras can also be connected if there are several inputs and outputs. A corre­spon­ding visua­liza­tion of whether a visitor is allowed to enter the room can be done via moni­tors in diffe­rent sizes or projec­tions, depen­ding on the envi­ron­ment.

People coun­ting for busy envi­ron­ments

Hotels, museums, depart­ment stores, airports, and much more!

Even with multiple entrances and exits, the system can deter­mine and monitor the total number of people. The building can be divided into several areas, which are moni­tored and counted sepa­ra­tely from each other.

illustration of a shopping centre and its different levels with the different visitor capacity monitored by NeuroomNet

How does it work?

All entrances and exits are equipped with sensor cameras. These anony­mously count the people who cross the passages. The soft­ware calcu­lates the total number of people in the moni­tored areas and can show this on any display — e.g. on large screens or small tablets and digital steles, even on cell phones!

Dynamic release and waiting display via floor projec­tion

Grea­test possible atten­tion due to warnings via ground projec­tion

Request offer

If you would like an initial consul­ta­tion or quote, send us a message (prefer­ably with the follo­wing information):

Graphic with 6 symbols + inscription: Ceiling height, entrance width, type of door (sliding door, swinging door inwards or outwards), number of entrances, photos of entrances (optimally), contact details.
Small stores do not require an on-site appoint­ment for plan­ning!

For more examples and expl­ana­tions take a look at our documentation.